- where we learn to be a better painter!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

GW Lord Inquisitor - The Movie

Morning y'all! Or rather G'day! ^^

I never wrote about this here, but I have been following Warpgazer on Youtube since I first saw his trailer about The Lord Inquisitor. There are about a dozen great animation videos up there so you should definitely check it out and subscribe!

In a very uncharacteristic move, Games Workshop has actually given it's green light for this fan project - the only fan project currently with the Imperial Seal of Approval from GW. And the project has grown bigger and better. The project is a completely fan-based, non-commercial project and cannot take any donations or money for their work. 

So, how can one help those guys? Now, The Lord Inquisitor is looking for 3D artists and animators. "If you think [the movie] Ultramarines has good animations - please don't apply". Gotta love that statement ^^

After evaluating my mad ninja graphics skills, I decided I can best help these guys by staying as far away from the project as possible for I would FUBAR it efficiently. However, I can use my mad blogging skills to get you guys (and gals, Ethienne ^^) involved in this project. 

So if you know someone who is a great 3D designer, Animator, Post-Production expert, why not SHARE & ENJOY this page with the rest of the world

Breaking 42,000 monthly viewers for the first time!

And did you know that your comments last month were read by 54,000 viewers! :D That's right, not 42 but 54,000 views!Let me take the opportunity to thank you very much for your continued support - especially for over hundred comments in the last month alone! You are the best!

And don't forget

These giveaways will be drawn THIS MONDAY! So get jiggy with it!

Get ready with this year's painting competition season by winning a FREE workshop with UK Slayer Sword winner Karol Rudyk!

Also: Win a perfect (hurr hurr) Citadel Finecast miniature - I will let you choose 40k or Warhammer, but I choose the mini ^^. Just share your experiences with Finecast here.

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