- where we learn to be a better painter!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

[0:42] Open Love letter to GW and FW.

Make sure NOT to miss today's earlier 0:42h giveaway!
The explanation of the Revolution has started!

I will give away someting new every weekday at 0:42h. Next Giveaway: SNEAK PEAK: 2x limited Space Hulk MINT in foil. Gets you up to 300$ on Ebay. Not as expensive than some of my other giveaways, but totally cool... Interested?

If you want to WIN one of the new limited "The Hobbit" boxes or a The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, tell GW how much you want them to be with the sadZaphodPanda.jpg again - in the comments!

Open Love Letter to Games Workshop's IP department

Games Workshop, my ever lasting love. My first (not quite only, but still #1) love!  

Since you have blocked the possibility to embedd your product advertisements like videos and such on our fan sites and blogs (like hobby stores that cannot advertise the images of your product, another unique marketing/IP protection strategy), I can not help you anymore. You won't let me. Please do not misunderstand - I would love to, but you need to help me help you, too.

I wanted to share the video about the new "The Hobbit" Miniatures. I guess, as always, you are very concerned about negative feedback - and to protect your IP you just avoid exposure. Again, as a marketing strategy very unique, I might say. Noone would think it works well - but I guess something must be working right for you, so cudos to you! 

I think some of the sculpts are great, some are hidious. Hands and legs of some of the scults... :/ 70s-80s style. Others miniatures I just can't wait to get my hands on. It's as simple as that - not every mini in a set needs to be spectecular. I ordered THREE of the limited boxes, THREE of the limited books and THREE of something else which I forgot for about 500 Quid. My Intention as always: Have some fun, spread the word, paint one and play with it, give one away, keep one mint for my preciousss collection retirement fund. All I want is being close to you, sweetheart! :) You need more customers like me - so don't push me away!

But you play it hard... Show the cold shoulder... Keep pushing me away. Apparently you don't want me or others to help you grow the hobby. 

Even if you decide to do this alone, I hope it works out for you. I will keep buying your stuff, because I am the #1 GW/FW Fanboy IN THE WORLD, you hear me... THE WORLD. I love you guys. I am slightly irritated by your IP department. The only Company that uses the "Book on IP" to actually hinder their own sales. Again, very unique, but I guess it is working...

Good luck :) 

Call me, send me an email, even an SMS - if you still see a chance for us to get back together again. Please, let's talk and work this out! And if you don't - I will keep buying your product for as long as my love holds true - until you contact me again!



Live-Comment "Luke DÅYWÅLKER" (TITLE). "Ha! GAYYYY!"

If you want to WIN one of the new limited "The Hobbit" boxes or a 
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, tell GW how much you want them to be with the sadZaphodPanda.jpg again - in the comments!

**this post was misposted... It is the 0:42 giveaway for the 27th. Evil misclick is evil.


  1. hahaha that was AWESOME :D I laughed really hard this time!!!!

    COME ON GW, GIVE THE SADZAPHODPANDA SOME LOVE AGAIN!!! No one's saying you need to do some crazy sexual thing to a Panda, just give back some of the love we all profess to you daily without expecting anything in return.

    1. I was kinda hoping for some kinky Panda-alone-time with GW... But I guess you cannot have everything!

      Please share this and Enjoy. Our company will be even more fun and crazier that anything that happened on this site so far.
      You got my promise as galactic president!

      Join the Revolution for free: galacticlemming <> beeblebrox >>dot<< de. :)

  2. GW is really short sighted about their policies recently, they are all about impulse buys at high markups when all their loyal customers are buying from 2nd hand retailers just to try to keep enough money to buy food. They should let word of mouth help their sales and give us enough time to actually budget for buying their big releases.

    1. Well, to be honest. From a business standpoint I can understand and appreciate what GW has achieved over the last 10 years. After some noob mistakes in the early 2000s (GW discovers the Internet - and stores sell with up to 55% rebate online. Then GW discovers that margin is not as good as if you sell it directly and steers 180degrees in the opposite direction).

      I have been in business all my life - companies tend to fall from one extreme to the other. As far as the IP (intellectual property) department or LEGAL or CEASE AND DESIST department is concerned. I don't think they really understand what IP is. In my previous job I worked with this subject as well. IP must be protected - otherwise you lose it. So far I understand. But GW takes it to the extreme...

      But recently, I have the feeling that even here GW has realized that it could work differently. I have many ideas and some day I would love to talk to someone at GW - for free if need be. Maybe get me a coupon for a pint of lager at the Bugman's Bar and a nice sandwich :D A collectors item would be cool too :D

      See, I still love GW, even after everything they do or don't do. :D

      I am a hopeless romantic.

  3. I love most of the GW Products, but while working at a marketing departmant of a global-player-concern, i must say GWs marketing strategy is absolutely hilarious.

    "Sell more! But with less to almos NO SERVICES!" Uhm, yup.

    So i feel with you and want GW TO BRING BACK THE TRUE AND DEEP LOVE TO SAD ZAPHOD PANDAS HEART! Pleasy GW, i beg you!

  4. GW should really change their policies towards retailers and market in general. Forbidding the stores within EU to sell GW products to people outside EU is pure nonsense. Living in a country that is in Europe but not in EU, really hinders me getting GW minis. Why? So I must order from GW online store and pay an arm and a leg for P&P? Makes no sense. I'm also a president of my local gaming club. we organize events (mostly GW games - LOTR, WHFB, WH40k) that are completely free of charge and we do this for the love of the game, yet we cannot make posters to advertise their events. Our events used to be advertised in White Dwarf magazine, now it's forbidden because it's not official GW store run event. What's the point of it?
    Sorry GW, you need to change your policies!

    1. I can appreciate some of the "restrictions". For example: You could not open a store in Japan if Wayland sends stuff out for 42% rebate. GW Stuff in their own stores in Japan is about 60% of our prices. I hear Australia is the same. Its almost like import restrictions to protect the economy...

      The problem was all those rebates in the first place. I bought 3 Space Marine Company boxes (105 marines + all vehicles) at OVER 50% rebate. No wonder small store go bankrupt...

      Focusing on lowering the rebates especially for online stores was one of the best business decisions GW made in the last years. At least they are profitable again. Even if I miss my 50% off :(

    2. I don't think you undersood me. I have no problem with them not giving rebate to online stores. I just want the same rights as any customer. to choose where I want my merchandise from.
      It is not up to GW to protect small businesses in Japan. It's the job of your government thrrough import taxes and customs fees and VAT.
      The thing I'm p!ssed about is that they (GW) prohibits EU based retailers from selling their stuff outside EU. why? why can't I as a customer choose where I get my merchandise from?
      the logic behind "It's killing our sales" is flawed, because then stop selling all GW wares to any retailers. GW has online stores throughout the world and these are "threatened" by retailers.
      also, I wouldn't mind buying from their online store if their shiping prices were true. They sell me a blister for 8GBP shipping and on the box there is a postal stamp that says 1,2GBP. they take 6,8GBP and put it in their pocket. that's not good business.
      That's all I'm saying :)

  5. Hello, in my opinion, GW has long been this wrong in many things. One certainly was the Finecast, which eventually came more frog than anything else, the price increase, that here in Spain made ​​it twice, the first in the world in June, but in September we have gained another once prices on the grounds that the State ascended VAT. I have seen the prices of the Hobbit boxes and backtracks me much, as they are expensive, the Core 100 euros, plus how things are around here, with 25% unemployment. I do not know what to think GW of this, but I think they are going lately prices on almost everything.

    1. In my opinion it all went south in 2003 or 2004, I think it was when the Tau were released... GW discovers the Internet. Online Retailers discover customers want rebates.

      I mean - how many hobby stores do you know that make SO MUCH MONEY that they don't worry about online retailing. They went out of business, more online retailers had to be there to pick up the customers... Spiraling out of control for the better part of 6 years...

      As a Business, GW has responded well, I think. Its just that the 'Goal': Quality at a Good Price had to be sacrificed somewhat. Right now (with the exception of Finecase) we only have Quality. Actually I think - per model - plastic is not too bad (even though its was more than 42% less last time I checked :D)

      I think GW thinks: A hobbyist has 100€ a month to spend. Does not matter whether we sell them 1 box or 2 boxes. Actually would be better for us, if its only 1 box - less production cost, shipping & handling)...

  6. Dear GW, sadZaphodPanda.jpg hoped and prayed that there wasn't a life after GW. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't a life after GW.

    That is how much I want you to be with the sadZaphodPanda.jpg again.


    I can still embed GW videos just fine...

    1. Yeah, the normal ones work for me. But the "hidden" ones don't work for me anymore.

  7. GW definitely needs to show SadZaphodPanda some love.

    I absolutely agree with the assessment from Zahpod. Their marketing is strange. But I would add that they are spread too thin. Maybe that is why some sculpts seem rushed (or from the 70s/80s). Maybe that is why they have the strange marketing/sales requirements...

    1. I don't really know what GW's goal is. That is my problem. Usually it is easily identified - but from everything I learned in Marketing I cannot figure it out.

    2. For example:

      My goal for our miniature company is this: (just to prove that you CAN get additional information from reading COMMENTS.

      I want to drastically increase the gamer and painter groups. I want to help small stores all over the world grow their business. And that INCLUDES GW. If GW is doing much better, maybe they have the wiggle-space to lower prices and/or increase quality.

      I know how I would run the business :)

    3. Oh, and since some people don't know me: I am not just crazy, no. In addition, I was a "business man" for 15 years. CIO of one of the most successful and best companies to work for: ALDI International.

      I know business. I know GW. I have a passion for the hobby.
      So I kinda feel I know what I am talking about :)

    4. I have an ALDI being built at the end of my road. A one minute walk to pick up groceries - cool!

  8. Love It:) Make love to Panda letter not WAR:P

  9. +1 for your letter. Started with GW and the Hobby about a 2 years ago. However every time I hear what their policies I regret profoundly have done this. Every day I feel more and more away from them as company and as much as I love their products it is starting to be too much.

    1. A lot of people feel like that. I wonder if GW realizes this. And with all the Kickstarters going on left and right, GW really should think hard. This is just the beginning. And as soon as the monthly hobby allowance went towards a cool kickstarter it is no longer available for GW.

      The funny thing is. I know GW since 1991. And now what they do well and don't do well. I know what she has done to me lately... But I still love her - no regrets - it is TRUE love :D

  10. It saddens me greatly that they've moved in this direction. It used to be such an open hobby with time for everyone not so anymore. And yet, they still make some of the best models out there and the 40k imagery (and to a lesser extent WFB) is second to none so they still get my dollar.

    1. I don't think its only the models. It is also the "universe" they created, the "fluff". THAT actually is their IP. Not the friggin' Space Marine you are not allowed to take a picture of and show/make money of it...

      To this day I buy at least 3 of each limited set. I think GW needs customers like us. I used to buy EVERY Army box because there was a limited miniature in it. The rest of the boxes went to storage... Who wants to play Wood Elves Anyways... :D

  11. If our president is sad, I am sad too. Dear GW please make my day and enable the president of the universe to spread your word and minis again! For me the hobby started with GW's Lord ofthe rings...and I sincerely hope you will take my breath away with your newest minis again, as you did last time. Thanks for your work GW and thanks to our president for encouraging us to declare our love to the ONE hobby...
    Best regards,

  12. GW, you have been acting increasingly odd for the last few years. What's the matter? Is it menopause? Why won't you stop being mean to us? Why are you breaking poor sadZaphodPanda's heart?

    1. I think they had to steer their dreaded fleet* out of the fog first. They did. Now they don't know where the hell they are going.

      *no challenge of status intended by this play on words. Please don't sue me!

    2. XD

      Well, I honestly hope they'll find their way. :)


    na, seriously, its sad....

  14. Perhaps this will get their attention and the two of you can be together. Maybe Cee Lo Green's F*ck You was actually about GW.

    1. I actually think it is about the World Crisis.

      Because that is what I say to the World Crisis: FUCK YOU. I am not going to participate any longer. Let the politicians keep busy - then they cant do any other harm.

      My personal World Crisis is over. Time to start rebuilding. With new blueprints... :) MEGE-TEASER-ALERT! :D

  15. People complain about GW prices all the time and while I do think that most of their really are not that bad (though some are....cough cough *the trolls* *bloodknights* *jezzails*), but I do think Zaphod has a valid point regarding their marketing and sales approach.

    Coming down on those excited to share your products (without you having to pay for them to do so) seems like madness. That and allowing online retailers to sell your product, but making it difficult to do so sounds counter-intuitive. *Sigh*

    1. Yeah, I am not so much complaining about the prices... I mean, yes, they are really high. If the quality is there (like in the new single plastic minis I hope will forever replace resin), I at least feel I get something for my money.

      Its the: "If you paint on our Canvas and sell the picture or make a Book using images of our canvas, DaVinci, we will sue your sorry butt to oblivion." SadDaVinciPanda.jpg.

      If you look at this example, all Cease and Desists they ever sent out are.... weird?

    2. No, you're totally right! I'm not so miffed about the prices either, but more the 'if you paint on our canvas...' thing as well. To me that's just ludicrous, and worth poking a bit of fun at GW. :)

  16. GW, what did SadZaphodPanda do to you?

    1. Do not ask GW what we did TO them but what we can do FOR them.

  17. I too, love GW. At least, the GW through my rose tinted spectacles. But they make it so hard. Price gouging the Aussies, limiting online sales, switching to the cheaper shoddy finecast material yet raising the prices, and most of all ceasing the old release schedule.
    Time was they'd release a game a year. One that somewhat supported the core game imagery - now relegated to the Specialist Games area to wither and die.
    A new game of battles in an Underhive, or a similar skirmish campaign for with Warhammer imagery like Mordheim would be great. They used to inject some fun into the hobby and atmosphere of a GW store. Meh.

    1. Hey, I got those exact same spectacles! :D

      Yeah, I lived in Japan for 2 years... Bought the Black Reach starter set for like 160€. 160! :D To be fair, business in Japan is very expensive...

      Its like the train companies. "We have less customers? Easy! Let's raise the prices! That'll shut em up!"

  18. Dear GW,
    Why would you not consider rekindling the fire that once burnt between yourself and sadZaphodPanda.jpg. It is disheartening to think that we your fan, and Zaphod biggest fan boy in the world :D are not are to both show and bask in the glory of the new releases each and every month.
    There must be something we can do to help re-ignite the flame that was once between the two of you (and that of many others),enough to at least share and tell the world about your most beautiful products (though pricing in Australasia is quite concerning).
    Like Zaphod said himself I will never cease to buy your products (I will just keep buying outside these regions), as the sculpts are second to none (minus the occasion finecast that is not so fine), your modelling supplies are beyond praise as they make life so easy and last but no least the constant releases to keep us buying more is incredible. Every month I salivate thinking of what I can order next, so please let Zaphod and all of our dream come true and re-affiliate yourselves with sadZaphodPanda.jpg and let us all spread the love.

    Yours Truly Revolutionary #7 :D

  19. I remember the time when GW would lift her skirt for anyone to have a go. Those were halycon days indeed. Now she has come up in the world, men have used her and abused her and the pimps controlling her now, are some of the baddest men in the business. Literally. They pimp her to the wealthy few, she is a high class girl who few can afford. Shame, as there are a sea of guys of would love to have a go on her if those pimps weren't so greedy.

    I hope you can can get her back Zaphod. This girl has stolen the heart of many a man - as well as their wallets.


    1. Yo, DFB! Yours was comment Nr 41. THIS is 42 :D Neener Neener.

      Where is my wallet?

    2. Heh,she is your mistress you shouldnt care where you wallet is! Now on your hands and knees!

  20. Come on GW! Panda love is where it's at. :)

    Great post- I agree with most of what you said, except that I am done giving GW that much of my cash. With few exceptions, their models simply aren't worth that much to me...

  21. Heyho,

    as a TAU player it is not the IP that struggles me foremost but the needed love for old codices :-(. A good friend of mine plays Black Templar and those Marines even suck more than my TAU.

    Others have game introduction videos (like Battlefront) or really short release cycles (like Privateer Press) or an innovative rule systems (like Wyrd). Sometimes I'm the sadZaphodPanda.jpg thinking about the way GW develops our beloved 40k.

    Best regards,


  22. Dear Waynes Orcshop,

    I cant`t believe what you have done with our president!
    He´s the kind of man you need for your company. He takes the challenge (mostly financial way) you give the players of about 12 new rulebook per year with more an more expansive minis not once - no triple!
    He´s a miniature painter from the hair to the toe wich loves your company and the hobby and all he gets from you is a kick in the ass.
    What do you think who you are at Waynes Orcshop - he´s the president of the universe - the BIG Z - he knows all about the world the universe (and the restaurant at the end of it) all about flying whales and bowls of petunias an you made a very sad sadZaphodPanda.jpg out of him.
    Come on Waynes Orcshop wake up and smoke a peace whistling with him and let him share his joy from the heart for your campany (otherwise I wish you a 42h-poetry-slam with grunthos the flatulent or 14 days diarrhea)

    Gonzo "Sledge" HAMMER
    P.S. Sorry for my poor english - had no time to learn cause I had to fill up all the finecast-bubbles!

  23. GW pleaaase show the sadZaphodpanda.jpg some love! All you need is love!

  24. Dear GW,

    I am writing to let you know that I am heartbroken by your treatment of Mr Z. I know you're scared, I know that you're just not sure what to do and sometimes the course of action that seems the easiest is to push those who are closest to you away. But in the end you're only papering over the cracks - you'll never deal with your problems/feelings if you keep pushing people away.

    It's the same with the IP issues you have. You're so scared of losing something that you run the risk of having nothing to lose if you're not careful. Embrace the rest of the world and, in the words of the Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks - 'why can't we all just...get along?'

    So, please, nice GW people, embrace those who try to come close to you - don't push them away. If you do you'll end up turning those wonderful people into people who hate you. You don't want sadZaphodPanda.jpg to turn into crazy bunny boiler (Fatal Attraction style).



  25. Dunno, must be some kind of new company that came up with that kickstarter fellows in the last months.

    (And yes of course, sign me in for this giveaway as well!)

  26. GW should give more love to everyone in the mini world. They're starting to be more and more of a corrupt, money craving, asshole company. Too bad they still make some of the best casts and designs in minis imho :/ Otherwise a boycott might have helped getting them back on the right track ;)

  27. haha great one

    o i love GW before i have knowen GW....after a While i played GW Games and i loved it, then i had a Tabletopstore and sold GW as Main Product, the i WORKED for GW and really felt in a deep Love with that company....then they fucked me up after i made my Flagshipstore no 5 in the world....the threw my out on their general management changes worldwide...they broke my heart with that really...i was sick and today i still miss them....then i made my freedom with all the bad asses who were coldhearded pure managers insted of warm hearded hobbyists....and now i love the productline in plastik ....simply its a neverending love story


  28. If only GW would work with the community rather than against them. They'd get so much more out of it as would we all. Why can't we all just get along!

  29. Great love letter to GW. I'm not sure if GW is into the open relationship type of thing though. But I heard they are into dominatrix.


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