I was there the day masterminis.net gave away Angron.
Not exactly the opening words of the Black Library's Horus Heresy series, but close enough. About 110 of you (1/3 of subscribers) followed my call to share my blog with your friends which - in combination with my many event reports - led to quite a big jump in subscription numbers. I said it in the 300th subscriber giveaway winner announcement, and I will say it again:
Thank you!
Simon Egan at Games Day 2012 UK |
Holding this miniature in my hand right now I can tell that someone will be very, very happy :)
When I saw the many shares, likes and articles that you guys wrote about this giveaway on your blogs, I thought that I should reward some of the creativity that went into writing such nice posts.
So I decided that I would give away another White Dwarf subscription Dwarf Pirate to a randomly selected "creative" blog. This is my way of saying "Thank you!" to all you fellow bloggers out there!
So what are we waiting for? Here are the winners!
First: The winner of the bonus giveaway for the White Dwarf subscriber mini is yetischool: His Blog is called "The Badzones", check it out! @yetischool - congratulations! Please contact me with your shipping information!
And now... for the big prize!
Should you not win, please know that the next giveaways are right around the corner: Of course there will be a 400 subscriber giveaway, but I feel this will take a litle while now as we just went over 300. The next one will likely be the 42000 views giveaway, followed by the 100th post giveaway (I think we are at like 88 posts now or so). I will announce these shortly.
Ding ding ding ding! Congratulations, Dai!! Dai is the owner of the blog "The lost, the damned and the stunted" - check it out!
So I decided that I would give away another White Dwarf subscription Dwarf Pirate to a randomly selected "creative" blog. This is my way of saying "Thank you!" to all you fellow bloggers out there!
So what are we waiting for? Here are the winners!
First: The winner of the bonus giveaway for the White Dwarf subscriber mini is yetischool: His Blog is called "The Badzones", check it out! @yetischool - congratulations! Please contact me with your shipping information!
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Who wants the Angron? Who? Who? Who? Who? |
Should you not win, please know that the next giveaways are right around the corner: Of course there will be a 400 subscriber giveaway, but I feel this will take a litle while now as we just went over 300. The next one will likely be the 42000 views giveaway, followed by the 100th post giveaway (I think we are at like 88 posts now or so). I will announce these shortly.
So you see, more chances will come your way! By the way: You can see all current giveaways in the newly installed menu item "Giveaways".
But now:
But now:
The winner of the Signed Forge World Primarch Angron is:
Ding ding ding ding! Congratulations, Dai!! Dai is the owner of the blog "The lost, the damned and the stunted" - check it out!
@Dai: Please contact me with your shipping address and I will send out Angron immediately.
To everyone who did not win: As we all know, positive Karma will help you win the next price. A good way of gathering Karma is by leaving a comment below congratulating Dai! You need the Karma for the next giveaways. Trust me :D
Stay tuned for my reports on DUZI 2012 and the Scale Model Challenge 2012 next weekend. Subscribe in order not to miss it!
Thanks again to all participants - and good luck for the next giveaways!
Thanks again to all participants - and good luck for the next giveaways!
Ich war da an dem Tag, als masterminis.net Angron verloste.
Nicht genau die Eröffnungsworte der Black Library Horus Heresy Reihe, aber nahe dran. Fast 110 von euch (1/3 aller Subscriber) folgten meinem Aufruf, mein Blog mit ihren Freunden zu teilen. Das führte in Kombination der vielen Event-Berichte zu einem riesigen Sprung bei der Anzahl der Subscriber. Ich habs bereits im 300th subscriber giveaway winner announcement, post gesagt und ich sage es gerne noch einmal:
Simon Egan at Games Day 2012 UK |
Die Chancen stehen ungefähr 1 zu 110 - nicht schlecht, oder? Ich halte die Mini gerade in den Händen und weiß, dass sich jemand sehr freuen wird.
Also machen wir das doch einfach! Unter den kreativen Blogbeiträgen habe ich einen zufällig ermittelt, der für seine Arbeit noch einen White Dwarf subscription Zwerg Piraten sein Eigen nennen darf. Das ist mein Versuch euch allen noch einmal "Danke!" für eure Unterstützung zu sagen!
Also, worauf warten wir noch - hier die Gewinner!
Zunächst: Gewinner des zusätzlichen Preise (White Dwarf subscriber mini) ist yetischool: Sein Blog heißt "The Badzones", check it out!
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Who wants the Angron? Who? Who? Who? Who? |
...solltet ihr ihn nicht gewinnen: Die nächsten Verlosungen sind bereits in Sichtweite! Natürlich wird es einen 400 subscriber giveaway geben, aber ich denke, das dauert jetzt ein wenig. Der nächste ist wahrscheinlich der 42000 views giveaway (ca. 1 Woche), gefolgt vom 100ten Post giveaway (Ich glaube, mit diesem Post sind wir bei 88 oder so)... Ich werde die Giveaways noch gesondert ankündigen.
Wie ihr seht, weitere Chancen kommen eures Weges! Ihr könnt übrigens im neuen Menüpunkt "Giveaways" immer sehen, was aktuell an Verlosungen läuft!
Und jetzt:
Und jetzt:
Der Gewinner des Forge World Primarch Angron ist:
Ding ding ding ding! Glückwunsch, Dai!! Dai ist Eigentümer des Blogs "The lost, the damned and the stunted" - guckt es euch an!
Bleibt dran für meine Berichte von der DUZI 2012 und der Scale Model Challenge 2012 an diesem Wochenende!
Danke noch einmal an alle Teilnehmer und viel Glück bei den nächsten Giveaways!
Danke noch einmal an alle Teilnehmer und viel Glück bei den nächsten Giveaways!
Congrats Dai! Welcome to the "Winners of Masterminis contests Circle!". We be an elite crowd here ;)
ReplyDeleteWith hopefully dozens and hundreds of more winners over the course of time. I wished I could hand out a prize to all of the subscribers ;)
DeleteCongrats Dai! i am green with envy!!!
DeleteIn the words of Christopher Lambert..."Ttherre can beeee only one!!"
DeleteWell done mate, don't stuff it up lol!!!
So lucky Dai!!! Enjoy your Angron and please make a good job when painting it!! Do it at least for those who won't have the chance! ;)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dai, I'm very envious right now ;). Whatever I will get one from FW anyways^^. Take good care of your hand-signed Angron
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dai! A bit miffed, but hey there can be only one winner. Now to save up for a year to get me my own Angron (being jobless it's not easy to splurge on hobbies)
ReplyDeleteO_o Holy wow!
ReplyDeleteThankyou everso much!
This was wholey unexpected to say the least. :)
Zaphod, might be my rubbish searching skills, but I couldn't find an email address to contact you on?
Delete^^ That is an EXCELLENT question - as I could not find it myself...
DeletePlease send me an email at junkmail <> beeblebrox >>dot<< de. I will send you a reply from my real email then :)
Again congrats!
Email sent. Let me know if you got it?
DeleteYes I got it :) Now I just need you to send me your address ;)
DeleteI replied via email ;)
Congratulation Dai
DeleteI link your blog from my blog
I hope can see your Angron early on your blog.
Großartig!!! man war das spannend! Ich Wünsche der gewinnen viel Spaß!
ReplyDeleteGrats Dia. We better see him tearing through some Xenos and loyal scum soon.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dai ! ^^
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to Mastermini for this fun contest circle !
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dai. Can't help but feel this is a bizarre social experiment but whilst it is only about congratulating a fellow hobbyist on their good fortune I can live with that.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you: Many karma points for being such nice people!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dai! I hope you enjoy Angron :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dai!! Enjoy that amazing "miniature"!
ReplyDeleteim a bit late to the party but congrats mate thats one insane mini hope you enjoy him :)