Important information for our Overseas Customers!
Shipping Delays due to high volume in Holiday Season
Dear Bruddhas everywhere!
In the last couple of days we received a lot of emails from Bruddhas overseas as well as some from Bruddhas here in Europe inquiring about the whereabouts of their orders.
We experience extremely long shipping times to the US, Canada and Australia right now.
According to DHL, these packages are very likely to be stuck in the respective country's customs offices as these seem to be overwhelmed by the incredibly high amount of shipments in this year's Holiday season.

We know it's frustrating
We send all packages with the best service we can get from DHL and the German Post respectively, and we know that it is frustrating to have to wait on an order. Believe us, it is at least as frustrating to us.
What makes things worse is that once the orders have reached the country of destination, (for pretty much every country outside of Europe), the tracking information stops right at the border, so we cannot give you additional information on where in the respective country the orders are. Again, that's just how it is and regrettably, we cannot change it.
Unfortunately, we have absolutely no control over the shipping process.
Something for 'under the tree'
Ben is currently preparing downloadable Gift Certificates for all of you who are waiting on their orders. We still hope that your orders will arrive in time for Santa, but I think it's 'better to be safe than sorry'.
We will
We will
- link those Gift Certificates in this post as soon as they are done,
- we will also announce it on our Facebook page at that time
- AND we will send this information via email to all of you who we KNOW have not received your order yet.
But what we really want for Christmas is for you to receive your orders. You hear that, Santa?
All of us here at Painting Buddha would like to apologize for the long shipping times.
All of us here at Painting Buddha would like to apologize for the long shipping times.
Don't miss our daily giveaways! Here's a summary link for the first 12 days. Door #13-15 will follow today!
A friend from the US just told me that due to the severe weather in the NE part of the US, delivery of packages and mail is further delayed... :/
ReplyDeletehas anyone received their package that ordered tail end of nov or later in the U.S.?
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ReplyDeleteThank you very useful information admin, and pardon me permission to share articles here may help :
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