- where we learn to be a better painter!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shipping Update, Upgrades, GD US!

Supporter Boxes going fast, grab yours here:
Greetings my fascinatingly fanatic fans of figures!

Shipping Update

Since releasing our first ever DVD a week ago we have been surprised by the enormous wave of support we have received from you! Ben, Mati and myself would like to thank you again for your trust in what we have done. We have quite literally packed parcels until 2-3am every day now and have just sent out the first batch of about 100 supporter boxes

As mentioned earlier, we started with the supporter boxes first - and with the exception of a few 'Girlie' style shirts which are currently being hand-printed especially for you, all supporter box orders up to yesterday have been sent via DHL. You should have received an update email from our store as well. 

Next Batch - Budget Boxes!

Now we are preparing the Budget Boxes. We expect to ship these Thursday next week. This weekend we will fly into Memphis for Games Day US, but since we will be back on Tuesday, we only 'lose' one day of shipping. I hope you forgive us :) We'll repay you with awesome Games Day US articles, pictures and videos! The Pact of the Bruddhahood supporters will be sent out last - the happy monk is looking forward to meeting you already! ;)


For those of you who are interested in upgrading their Budget Box to the full-size Supporter Box can do so until Tuesday. We will take the Upgrade item down at that time. So last chance for Upgrades! 

Games Day US

While Mati will keep the Headquarter guarded, Ben and myself will visit the Games Day US in Memphis, Tennessee. Ben's entry is almost ready. None of my three planned entries are ready yet - as I was so busy with the logistics of everything. But I'll paint until the plane leaves tomorrow and hope to finish at least two projects... Keep your fingers crossed! 

You can expect a very very VERY big report from Games Day US on We will not only cover the GW Barbeque that we (like all visitors to GD) have been invited to (!) but will also report everything from the Games Day as well as some cool stuff from Memphis. We are looking forward to being there and meeting all of our American fellow nerds!

Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes

Remember that by SHARING & ENJOYING this post on Facebook or Google+ you will enter our Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes. We'll make sure to find something unique in Memphis to add to the stash ;) Can you say Bobblehead Elvis? :D I hope we'll find something nerdy like that!

Stay hoopy, 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oompa Loompa Buddha-dee-dooo!

6 DVDs, 2 54mm miniatures - Starting at 42€. INSANE.

Good morning everybody! 

Find the Golden Ticket! 

Today we want to reveal another little detail about our Season 1.1 - Target Identified DVD set.

As you know by now we really like to give stuff away here on Our latest giveaway extravaganza is called the 'Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes'. 

So we put a lot of WIN in our packages. Both the Supporter T-Shirt as well as the Buttons have built in WIN - and this chance to win will exist as long as we exist! So make sure you hold on to your Buttons and try to collect as many as possible! How the WIN in the T-Shirt and the Buttons works will be revealed shortly before the Games Day Germany, where we will run this for the first time.

Today, we want to talk about our Painting Buddha Tickets (Golden, Silver and Bronze) that we randomly put in our Supporter Boxes.

No, we are not affiliated with Willy Wonka and we don't have a chocolate factory, but we offer something even better! The chance to win something that stays on the mind and not a lifetime on the hips!

Bronze Ticket - Win the Budget Box version of one of our future releases of your choice

Silver Ticket - Win the Supporter Box version of a future release of your choice

Golden Ticket - You (and if you want, a friend) are invited to a 3-day private workshop with the team! Ben, Mati and myself will pamper you silly and turn you into a miniature painter with crazy sick ninja skillz! We'll even have chocolate!

Chances of winning are pretty good, if I may say so myself! 

So what do you want? 
- "A supporter Box!"

When do you want it?
- "NOW!"

Nothing simpler than that! Head over to and check out our insanely priced DVD sets!

Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes

SHARE & ENJOY this and other posts on Facebook and Google+ to enter in our Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes! The prizepool will continue to grow until we draw all of the winners after the Sweepstakes and the 14 Days of Celebration come to an end on August 4th. 

Today we put the highly desired, paintingbuddha only special whitemetal edition Happy Monk onto the stack!

So far we got three paintingbuddha Supporter T-Shirts, the 2013 Games Day Limited Miniature and the Happy Monk in the prize pool. Stay tuned, subscribe and don't miss any of the future prizes!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last call for Upgrades, Games Day US, Stack'o'Swag

Season 1.1 - Target Identified OUT NOW: 

Greetings my most awesome miniaturistas!


Ben, Mati and myself would like to thank you from the bottom of our nerdy hearts for the incredible positive response we got for the Release of our unprecedented miniature painting instruction DVD series "Season 1.1: Target Identified". 

Of course, we hoped for it, but honestly did not expect this kind of reaction! Since Saturday, our online store is glowing red hot with your orders and we would like to thank every single one of you for your support! The first 100+ packages are packed and will go out this week!

Last call for Upgrades

After seeing the awesome value of the Supporter box (have you seen the promo video yet?) many of you that have ordered the 42€ Budget Box have 'upgraded' their purchase to the 84€ Supporter Box. 

For logistic reasons, we will send out all of the Supporter Boxes first. 

Starting Monday next week the Budget Boxes will follow. This allows you to upgrade for a few more days. We will send out a reminder to all of the Budget Box buyers via email today. Here's the upgrade item.

Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes

As part of our '14 days of Celebration' commemorating our first ever Release, we started the Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes. 

So far, we got three Paintingbuddha Supporter T-Shirts in the prize pool. There is something magical about these T-Shirts that we have not told you about yet... They are FULL OF WIN!

If you wear the T-Shirts during a miniature painting event, you can WIN some special prizes! First chance will be the Games Day Germany - we will give you all the details after we return from Games Day US!

Today we add a 2013 limited Games Day Miniature to the Stack'o'Swag! As you know, Ben and I will be leaving for Games Day US on Friday, leaving Mati behind ^^. Of course, the GD 2013 limited mini is still a secret - so we can't show you pics yet!**

During the 14 days of Celebration (which will be over on August 4th), EVERY SHARE of any of our posts on Facebook or Google+ will count as a 'ticket' for the sweepstakes. If you remember how the YAG SWAG STACK ATTACK worked, it's kinda the same thing. Seven happy winners of that giveaway remember it well ^^. 

BTW: For a chance to win a Games Day 2013 limited T-Shirt check this post.

Tomorrow we will reveal another SECRET about our Supporter Boxes. 
But psssssst - no hint's yet! Not even a very little one!

** Or CAN we! not the sharpest image, but it says Game's Day Mini:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paintingbuddha Season 1.1: Target Identified - OUT NOW

Season 1.1 - Target Identified OUT NOW
Galactic President calls for 14 days of celebration!
SHARE & ENJOY this post with your friends for your chance to WIN (see end of post for details)

It is done!

We prouldy present our first ever miniature painting DVD set: Season 1.1: Target Identified. What started out as a simple idea turned into a DVD set that we believe has not yet been seen on the miniature market - at a price that seems unbelievable...

Promo video out

Here our promo video for our release. We hope you enjoy it enough to SHARE it with your friends! 

Thousands of hours of work have gone into this project. First and foremost we would like to thank the many of you who put their trust in us and supported us by pre-ordering our DVD set. You helped us getting to where we are now - and you will hold your DVD set very shortly. We are as excited as we hope you are! 

We are absolutely convinced that you will be very happy with your order. We have put a lot of love for the hobby into this - and we hope it shows!

Season 1.1 - OUT NOW

The two painted dioramas with a
side view of our 6-DVD-Collector Box
It's been quite a long journey and from the moment we started with our first ideas the now final product got bigger, nerdier and above all better than anything we could even think about - only the price stayed low: 42€ for the Budget Box and 84€ for the fully loaded Supporter Box

We have added a few other cool items to our shop, including an UPGRADE item, which allows you to upgrade your Budget Box order to a full Supporter Box. Many of you have asked for this and have already successfully upgraded. Since we start shipping your products on Monday, starting with the Supporter Boxes, you would need to hurry in order to be able to upgrade in time! 

Here is a very high-res picture of what incredible value you will get for your money. Click on it for a larger view.

All of that for 84€ - also available in a Budget Version at only 42€. 

I have to be honest with you - I am in the hobby now for more than half my life (yes, that would be 21 years) and although we have worked on this project for quite a while now, I still can't believe this quality at this price... 

SHARE & ENJOY to win

Stack'o'Swag Sweepstakes - 14 days of  celebration! ^^

Over the next few days we will post some more in depth information about this product, answer your questions (that, by the way, you can send to us at at any time!) and in general celebrate the release of our DVD set. 42 days of celebration would be too much, but since there are three guys in our team, 14 days sounds reasonable! (3x14, you know...)

Between now and Saturday, August 3rd, every SHARE of one of our post on Facebook or Google+ will enter to win. 

Like we did with our YAG STACK SWAG ATTACK Giveaway, we will create a Stack'o'Swag over the duration of the giveaway - so the more tuned in you stay, the higher the chances to win! 

The one thing we will NOT give away, are the DVD sets. Supplies already seem to be shorter than we'd like - so grab one, while you can!

This post's items for the Stack'o'Swag are THREE Painting Buddha Supporter Shirts. The ONLY three supporter shirts we will EVER give out in one of our giveaways.

By the Way - Did you know we have given away free stuff, most of it limited and rare, worth thousands of Euros since last year? Why? Because giving stuff away makes us (and you, we presume) happy :D 

So make everyone happy and go ahead and SHARE & ENJOY this post!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Most buddhalicious greetings everyone!

We are closing in on 600 likes on FB - and it has been too long since the last Crazy Giveaway anyways.... So here it is: Win a limited Games Day T-Shirt - Details below!

Games Day US Preview

Memphis, we're coming! YEEEEHAAAAAW!
Games Day US is sold out - 1000 lucky guys and gals were able to grab a ticket before they were sold out. And Ben and myself are going :D We are feverishly working on our Golden Demon entries - but since the shipping of our paintingbuddha Season 1: Target Identified DVD set takes priority - time is at a premium... Long days and rather non-existant nights... I guess we can sleep on the plane over :D

BTW: To all of you who purchased the Budget Box of our first ever DVD set, you have a chance to UPGRADE to the Supporter Box now! 

It's easy: Just head over to, log in with your account and you can purchase the Upgrade Item - make sure to choose your T-Shirt size! There are only a few days before we send out your orders, so if you like to upgrade, you gotta be quick ^^.

As promised - tomorrow we will show you the final product in all it's glory and add additional items to the store - if you think you've seen it all already - you ain't seen nothing yet!

Even ELVIS would want one!

Gamesday US plans & Giveaway

Friday next week we will leave for Memphis, Tennessee and plan to attend the Pre-GD-BBQ in Memphis. Unfortunately we will miss the Graceland tour that is organized for the morning. Meeting up with Reka Nadezhda (Hope River), who we just met at Spring Angel 2013 in Moscow, will compensate for that loss ;) 

You probably all saw yesterday's post about the GD US Shirts - I think they look magnificent! 

Today I learned that they are limited to 500 units at GD US - which I find quite bizzare, considering that they will have at least 1000 visitors. Oh well, maybe we get lucky and get one. ^^

GIVEAWAY! Win a Games Day US Shirt (maybe)

Do YOU want a GD US shirt? If, so, simply write some random comment below - including your shirt size! IF (and with the limitation that is quite a big IF) we can get our hands on a shirt your size, we will bring one with us and send it to a lucky winner. If we can't get a shirt, I am sure we can get a Limited Games Day Miniature for you as comfort ^^.

We'll draw the winner on July 27th (so we know the right size!) and will reveal the winner in one of our many detailed reports to come from the first big Games Day Event this year. Stay tuned, subscribe - and if you you would, please let your friends know about!

Remember our Motto: SHARE & ENJOY!

It would be totally hoopy of you, if you shared this post with your 
Facebook friends! :) 

And now: Good luck to all of you - and keep your fingers crossed for us, so we have a chance to get a shirt for you :D

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Games Day T-Shirt 2013 revealed

Quick Info on this year's Games Day 2013 T-Shirts

This is what we are gonna pick up next weekend in Tennessee!

Adeptus Mechanicus for the win!

Read up on today's earlier update here,

Exciting times for miniature painters! (Portal, GD, PB Update)

We live in exciting times!

Very Quick Paintingbuddha DVD Update

One of the DVD Menus for Disk 5 - Yanet by Volomir
Hey everybody! It is DONE! The DVD-Sets are ready, all of the many goodies have been produced, everything is READY to be shipped. And even we are amazed at how beautiful everything turned out!

We are preparing a very short video which we plan to put up on Friday to our Youtube Channel for all of you to share & enjoy. 

Upgrade Budget → Supporter Box

Until Friday we will be adding a few new items to the store - make sure to check our shop at some time tonight! 

One very special item will be an "upgrade"-item. Some of you already had the chance to see how truly glorious the Supporter Box really is and have asked to upgrade their order from the Budget Box (42€) to the full Supporter Box Deal (84€). 

Therefore, we have added this convenient UPGRADE item for all of you who have ordered the Budget Box already. 

Shipping Schedule

We will begin shipping the your orders beginning this weekend, starting with the supporter boxes. We will make sure to send out all existing orders before we leave for Games Day US Friday next week for a few days (which, of course, you will be able to read a very comprehensive report of right here on 

Games Day 2013 US - Memphis Tennessee

Ben and I will be leaving for GD US next Friday and meet up with 'Hope River' from Russia (we basically meet in the middle :D) for an awesome painting competition. 

And you will be able to read all about it right here! Articles, tons of pics and of course videos! And we wouldn't be if we wouldn't add a giveaway or two into the mix ^^

On top of that, Ben and I will talk about our entries for GD US as well - so follow us by subscribing, SHARE & ENJOY. 

Portal 33 coming out this Friday - HOT issue

Many of you have heard about the free online magazine "Portal" - probably the best source of miniature related news, tutorials and content currently available this side of Andromeda. Did I mention it's free? Yes, good. 

And I personally believe that this issue will break the current download record of over 12,000 (!) readers easily, because this issue includes an extensive interview with none other than Paul Bonner. 

If you a) have not been one of the 12,000 readers so far or b) don't know the slightest idea who this Paul Bonner guy is... I URGE you to download Portal 33. Again, it will be out on Friday! In the meantime - and if you are a really fast reader, you can download issues 1-32 right here. (Portal is in English, but hey, there's tons of pics!)

One more tipp: Brett Johnson, founder of the fabulous Wamp Forum (one of the friendliest international miniature forums I know) has taken Adam Parkhouse on board as Editor of Portal. With that, there is a lot of activity on the Portal Facebook page. I recommend heading over there and 'LIKE' them. Never missing another Portal issue again is one perk, but others include announcements of tons of online painting competitions that you usually only hear about after it's too late ^^

And while you are at it - head over to our own Facebook Page and like it too! 

And now it's back to work - hundreds of Paintingbuddha DVD Boxes are waiting to be sent out to you!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spring Angel Results (PDF) & stuff

Hey folks! 

Wow - we are busy! 

Ben's finished work
We are preparing the shipping of your Season 1 - Target Identified DVD sets at the moment. Looks like we can send out the boxes starting Saturday! You won't believe how excited we are about this - and thanks to the many of you who supported us with their order at already!

Ben has extended his vacation and will be back in the office on Monday. For early next week you can expect a very comprehensive overview of what the Budget Box and the Supporter Box contain - including details on the T-Shirt, the Collector's Edition 6-DVD Box and the buttons. What's so important about the buttons? Well, you will find out - they are not just buttons!

Games Day US 2013 - we are GOING!

Lord Kroak - Even older than me!
We are also preparing our entries for the Games Day US in Memphis Tennessee right now. There will be a pre-Games Day report some time next week with some details on our entries and such. Believe it or not - I am PAINTING. Me! And my first project (Lord Kroak - Slaan) is coming along quite nicely (at least for my skill-level ^^). It's fitting that the 'Old One' is painting one of the 'Old Ones' first ;)

It is an Old One in another aspect: I bought this miniature at half prize over 10 years ago - and it's still white metal. That thing is MASSIVE!

It's going to be quite a treat trying to fix it on the base after painting :/ 

We will talk more about GD US 2013 (and some of the other upcoming events) next week - so stay tuned!

Spring Angel Results (PDF)

Matt has sent me the PDF for the Spring Angel Results. If you missed the Spring Angel Reports, you can read up on them here, here and here.

The interesting thing about the Spring Angel PDF (and why you should read it) is that Matt, Ben and Jose have given feedback to all of the entries. So you can see why a certain mini has won, what was good and maybe what can be improved on it. It's a good read!

Here is the PDF - you can download it in the file menu.

Thanks to Matt, Ben & Jose for this great document. And again a Big Thanks to Sergey & Kati from the Russian Alternative - and to everyone who attended Spring Angel 2013 in Moscow.

Workshop Reports

Some of you are probably waiting on the workshop reports for Karol Rudyk's and Jeremy Bonamant Teboul's workshops. One of the two (or maybe both) should be up this weekend - so make sure you stop by.

Stay hoopy!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Preview: Workshop with Jeremy Bonamant Teboul & news

Greetings my brushlickin' friends!

Quick DVD Update

As you may have seen, we received our shipment of paintingbuddha season 1 DVD sets yesterday - and they look quite glorious! We did a couple of random checks and everything works perfectly fine. Seems like Murphy is on vacation for once ;) 

And thanks to so many of you who did not even wait for next week's comprehensive overview on what the DVD sets contain and went ahead and secured your personal copy right away! You will see that there will be a whole lot of bang for very little buck in store for you! ;) 

A big "Thank You" from your Paintingbuddha team!

We will start shipping by the end of next week. Stay tuned for more information.

Jeremy Bonamant Teboul workshop - preview

Three weeks ago we participated in 2012 UK Slayer Sword winner Karol Rudyk, who - as far as I can tell - has a very unique style of painting miniatures. The review from that workshop is still coming - we were too busy with the DVD set to get it up ;) 

This weekend, at the Battlefield-Berlin store, one of the nicest miniature & gaming stores that I have ever seen (and believe me, I have seen a LOT), we will participate in a workshop held by this years 10,000$ Crystal Brush winner Jeremy Bonamant Teboul. 

My first ever workshop was back in 2007 - in Berlin and with Jeremy as the instructor. So the circle is complete! 

Back in 2007, I would describe Jeremy's painting style as painting with 'homeopathic paint' - water that remembers that once there was a pigment in it. Dozens of layers and glazes later, one could almost see how the color changed slightly ;) But as a result, the resulting blending was smooth enough to make a grown man cry. 

After riding his bike through Africa for two years (yup, not kidding), Jeremy is now back - with a completely changed style. From what I have seen so far, I would describe it as the opposite of his old painting style - a kind of chaotic wet-in-wet technique. We are all very excited to see what Jeremy will actually teach us. 

The workshop mini that you can see to the left is a very fine sculpt - and even though I am not the biggest 'High Elf' fan, that one looks quite epic.

It will be an awesome weekend for sure! Report coming next week.

Games Day 2013 - Memphis Tennessee

We (Ben and myself) are currently working on our Games Day projects for Games Day US and since I got most of my projects built, the workshop will kick off three very intensive weeks of Golden Demon painting. After all these weeks of editing videos of guys painting miniatures I cannot begin to tell you how eager I am on painting for myself ;) 

I just learned that River from Russia will also participate in the Games Day US and we will meet up in Memphis - she's flying east, we'll fly west and meet in the middle ^^

There will be VERY extensive Games Day US coverage on this blog - so stay tuned! 

Everyone have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

BIG Paintingbuddha Update!

Hey Bruddhas*! 
(*non-gender specific term. All beings of the Galaxy are Bruddhas!)

You've got mail! 

I did not only feel like Santa Claus,
I also look the part! :D
It's been strangely quiet on the Masterminis front in the last couple of days. But not without reason! We've been really busy (except for Ben who is on his well-deserved vacation, chilling in London :D)! 

Many of you have seen some posts on Facebook or in forums about a lot of people receiving a letter from us here at Paintingbuddha (or will receive it shortly).

The letter was sent out to everybody who ordered their Budget Box or Supporter Box of our Season 1 DVD Set "Target Identified" before March 31st this year. In fact, we extended this to all orders up to mid June - why not ;)

We sent out a special edition, supporter only "Happy Monk" to all of you who pre-ordered our DVD Set as our apology for the delay in the delivery. This white-metal cast is supporter only and we hope that painting it will make you as happy as ... well..., as happy as a happy monk! 

As you know, we love giving stuff away - the painted version of Ben's happy monk (downloadable step-by-step here), for example, went to Phil (who will receive it during our meeting at GD Germany in Cologne). 

Pact of the Bruddhahood Supporters

To those of you who made the "Pact of the Bruddhahood" and donated us 42€ to our cause:
Please be patient a few more days as we are currently preparing the extra goodies for you ;) 

Cheap labor: Cost of Nerds < China :D

Forced Nerd Laborer, Bruddha Begbie
My buddy Klaus (Begbie) used his week of vacation to join me for what we call a 'Nerdcamp' - painting till the sun comes up! Coming weekend, we will both join Jeremy Bonamant Tebouls workshop here in Berlin, together with our lucky Giveaway winner "Madhatter Spaulding" and many other bruddhas. Of course, you will read a review of the workshop here!

So Klaus thought he'd be on vacation. LOL - WRONG! No idle hands in the paintingbuddha headquarters! 

Klaus is currently not only packing your miniatures in their respective and rather awesome protective metal jewelery boxes, he also puts a lot of nerdy love in each and every box for you! 

Thanks Klausimausi! You are a true Bruddha! :D

DVD to be delivered to us today!

The DVDs have left our replicator (gotta love that word) yesterday and should arrive here today. 

As soon as we successfully ran a couple of tests on the DVDs we will start sending out your orders next week! Again, a BIG "Thank You!" to all of our supporters! I hope you are as excited as we are. 

About Early Birds

Although we do not intend to make our first DVD set limited, it is questionable that we will create another batch due to the extremely high production cost. So unless the whole world wants their own copy of the Season 1 set, which would make a second batch feasible, the first batch 'is it'. 

We do think that we have produced sufficient boxes, but for the time being we have to be fair and say "while supplies last". 

Next week we will prepare a comprehensive video that showcases all of the awesomely nerdy content of the two boxes. 

Tip: Even though the Budget Box is the more affordable version, the Supporter Box is the 'better deal' ;) 

Stay tuned for more updates on how to learn to be a better painter with!

As always, SHARE & ENJOY!
Your Paintingbuddha Team