- where we learn to be a better painter!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Shelf of SHAME - OMG Zappi paints!

Good morning! 

This post is link and picture heavy, because I know some of you got time at work... :D

I got up at 12:42pm after planning the next steps of the revolution until 7am in the morning ;) Time is an illusion. Bedtime doubly so. 

Yesterday evening I returned from my Holiday stay at Hotel Mom which I had extended for two days due to oodles of boardgame fun and favorite dishes served into my general direction. 

The center of my cullinary universe: ZWIEBELROLLBRATEN :D


And since everything happens for a reason, I met one of the most interesting conversationalists on my train ride back to Berlin. Definitely the most enjoyable train ride in my life. She truly inspired me to continue to go the crazy route we are heading towards... yay!

Be a better painter

2012 was a great painting year for me. At least the first half. 

When I returned from my beloved Japan, I painted for weeks without end. I even finished a few miniatures! 

And then the Revolution started. It's all about miniatures and painting - but I had no time to paint no more... One of my sacrifices for The Cause. 

So the Shelf of Shame grew. 

Finish the last miniature, before you buy a new one...

Yeah... RIGHT :D

I ask you to tell me, which mini I should finish next. Depending on your choice, I will even finish it this year. ;) 

Just tell me IN WHICH ORDER I should finish the Miniatures and WHY. The most creative entry will win a very special prize in 2013. Its more an 'honor' or 'recognition', not so much a tangible item, but me thinks you will like it ;) 

So here is the shelves with the candidates: 
  1. GW Mordheim Wizard Dood. Started 2007 at a Workshop with Bestienmeister in Dillingen
    (Picasa Album)
    80% finished
  2. GW Empire Captain - Started 2007 after my first Workshop with Jeremy(Picasa). So far 20+ hours of work and the first color still does not cover :D My 'homeopathic dilution delusion'
    20% finished
  3. GW Dark Elf Doodess. Started 2007 after one of now four Workshops with Georg Damm. (Picasa Link)
    80% finished
  4. JMD Melvin: Started in 2012. Awesome Bust.
    There are two early articles on this blog that I posted with regard to this miniature. I recommend both for you - I think they are helpful:
    1) Finding the right color scheme
    2) Find the right contrast
    70% finished
  5. Pegaso Spartan Bust - Sooo much fun. I am basically just missing the helmet to finish it... Recommended to anyone - every level. Here is the store.
    90% finished
  6. GW Daemonette with Bat Cave - my first Workshop miniature with Massive Voodoo's Roman. So I do the 'entry level' workshops last... Well... By now you know I think upside down :D (Picasa)
    50% finished
  7. GW Beastman - started in 2012 at my last workshop again with Georg Damm. I was so exhausted from my Revolution planning that I fell asleep twice, snoring ^^. And still got this finished to 90% in only two days ;) Its not aiming for a demon, but I learned a lot painting it.
So help me get my priorities right! Just write "paint #4 because I like the bust" or "This order: #7, #5, #6, #4, #3, #2, #1 because its my telephone number"

Do you have a shelf of shame?
- Tell us about it in the comments.
- How many unfinished minis are on it?
- How old is the oldest unfinished mini?

If you finish a miniature this year, send me a before and after picture to this email-address. I will post it with your name, website, blog, whatever you like ;)"



  1. Yeah I have a "few" models left to get done..

    As far as which you should work on.. I would say..

    #4.. cause I have seen it done a few times, and would love to see your take on it. Plus its awesome!

    #6.. due to seeing some of the MV classes that work on it.

    #7.. again cause you started on it in another workshop.. and you should finish them up :)

    #5.. This.. Is.. Sparta!!!! Nuff said..

    then #1, #2, #3.. cause they are all GW.. so no real issue with those.

    All the best to you in the new year.. hopefully we get a chance to meet up in 2013!

  2. Hi,
    wenn ich mir Dein "Kabinett" so ansehe denke ich mir - hör auf so viel Quark zu posten, nimm den Pinsel und mal (ist bei weitem nicht so böse gemeint wie es sich vielleicht anhört aber ich denke Du verstehst was ich meine). Auch wenn es natürlich wichtigere Dinge im Leben gibt als Figürchen zu bemalen wäre es schade das Potential, von dem Du augenscheinlich einiges hast, versanden zu lassen.
    Mit Abstand die ansprechendste Figur ist für mich die Nr. 6 (ich hoffe der Unterkörper bleibt so dunkel).
    Die 5 sieht schon sehr stark aus (aber Büsten sind doof).
    Die 7 sieht schon interessant aus auch wenn noch viel zu tun ist.
    Der Citadel Pirat hat zwar keine Nummer wäre aber eine Figur die ich gerne bemalt sehen würde.
    Teilweise bemalte Figuren? Viele? Kisten- und Schubladenweise in zwei Jahrzehnten angesammelt? - JA, hier!
    Scham. wenn ich diese Schachteln öffne, meinen Blick darüber schweifen lasse, sie dann unverändert wieder schließe und mich an den Compi setze um zu sehen was die Malerwelt da draussen wieder für tolle Sachen macht und Techniken entwickelt. - JA, ebenfalls hier.
    .....aber 2013 (tonloses, desillusioniertes Auflachen)....
    Aber Dir drücke ich die Daumen.

  3. You should finish number 1 because you started it during my painting class FIVE years ago and for some reasons I have thought several times about the fact that you never finished it. So, in a way, you would help me to sleep better at night. :)


  4. Well to me it is obvious... You must first finish #4 JMD Melvin and then #2 GW Empire Captain. Why? 42 of course!

    Make sure you leave at least one of them unpainted though. Everyone knows we are immortal until we finish the last mini, and I am so looking forward to your painting DVDs :)

  5. Here goes my two cents:
    #7, #5, #1 ,#3 ,#4, #6 and #2. Just because it seems to be the order which would ensure you have more completed minis faster. Which in it's turn will give some desire of completing more and more

  6. HAHA okay Hun

    put them all aside....

    go out there and find a totally new inspirational miniature. Maybe something 54mm Napoleonic or other historical lines...there you have mostly a given sheme of colors and can concentrate totally on the technics....that will give you the fire back...

    for some reason me helps it as it is totally relaxing to paint something without thinking about how will i do, what colors will i use, how i will blend the pink into the green over to the orange...

    try it Hun :P

    The Namensbruddha

    1. I have a collection of models just for this sort of thing.. best way to get your excitement back again!

  7. I keep my 'shame' models on my painting desk.. that way I don't forget them!
    Just the other day I was looking at one of them that had been during there for over a year. I spotted a detail I could easily fix so I picked up a brush.. two days later it was finished :D

  8. Jibboom beat me to my suggestion... :)

    On a philosophical note, when does the "painting" of a miniature begin? I have a number of models that have been prepped and primered. Does that count (and therefore belong on the shelf of shame) or does one actually have to apply paint for the shame to begin?

    1. The painting/shame begins as soon as you start the preparation, those prepped and primered minis are still just as unfinished as the ones you painted the interesting bits on then forgot about :)

      Maybe we have to take another step back, though. Perhaps the shame begins the minute we buy another mini without finishing the last one? Oh what a shameful hobby we have.

  9. Well I would say paint 1-7 in order as 1 is the first you started and put aside. Always finish what you start before moving on or as you already have you will develop a habit of putting them aside around 7 times so far lolol and I have a hundred or so unpainted but built minis in the production line ready to go. I have a habit of building them all soon as I get them I know I a wee bit hoopy :D

  10. Nothing of it, you should paint that damn tank and that damn yellow smurf.
    Because you started the first with me and the second is our brushwar^^
    So paint them or Lord Pestillence will visit you and force you ;)


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