- where we learn to be a better painter!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

REVOLUTION video file #01 - "The Dream"

Deutscher Text im Anschluss

The REVOLUTION is almost here! 

Today we started a short series of videos that will explain to you, what we are doing. How we are doing it and most importantly - WHY. 

If you don't already know me, you have the chance to at least see what I look like and who I am. What motivates me and how I tick... I am certain I will have the chance to get to know YOU better in the future as well.

If you want to know exactly what I am doing just think about HOW the universe works today and then REVERSE everything you know. That will give you a good indication :D

This is my first video edit in a while, so "please be kind to me" as the Japanese say ^^

"You look like an alternative Santa Clause" (a friend)

OF COURSE you can win something ^^

As you may notice, there is something mysteriously mysterious about the channel I posted the video on... What could that be? Only ONE video so far? Why not post on More confusion...

If you want to win, please just leave a comment (preferably friendly in nature) under the Youtube video. I would be very happy, if you also 'liked' it and shared it with your friends. 

You can win 2x this (that would be Giveaways #33 and #34): 

Win 2x limited Steampunk Alice (w/ certificate)
by Sebastian Archer of Guild of Harmony (Australia)


Do you want to know how deep that rabbit hole in my mind really is? Take the orange pill!

Ah, and it is NOT too late to be among the first 420 subscribers to the Blog. Remember - you get the title "The 420" for the time after the Revolution... Only six more places are available! :D

To join the revolution send me an email with the subject "REVOLUTION".

And make sure you don't miss the other 32 (!) running giveaways with a total value of thousands of dollars!
Check out the GIVEAWAY section in the menu and look for the "x of 42" giveaways link!

Good luck and thank you for your continued support!
You will soon see that I am less crazy than widely assumed :D

Die REVOLUTION ist fast hier! 

Heute haben wir eine kurze Serie von Videos begonnen, die euch erklären sollen, WAS wir machen, WIE wir es machen und - vor allem - WARUM.  

Wer mich noch nicht kennt hat schon mal die Chance zu sehen, wie ich so aussehe. Was mich motiviert, und wie ich 'ticke'. Ich bin mir sicher auch ich werde in Zukunft die Möglichkeit haben, den einen oder anderen von EUCH besser kennenzulernen.

Wer genauer wissen, was ich so mache, der muss sich nur vorstellen, wie das Universum heute so funktioniert - und dann alles um 180 Grad anders machen. Das gibt einen guten Ansatzpunkt ;) 

Es ist hier das erste Video was ich in einer laaaangen Zeit editiert habe, also "seid bitte nett zu mir", wie wir Japaner sagen ^^

"Du siehst aus wie ein alternativer Weihnachtsmann!" (ein Freund)

UND SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH könnt ihr auch wieder was gewinnen ^^

Wie euch vielleicht aufgefallen ist, ist etwas mysteriös mysteriöses mit dem Video passiert... Was könnte das sein? Was ist auf dem Channel los? Nur EIN video? Warum nicht auf dem Videokanal... Doch mehr Verwirrung?

Wer gewinnen möchte, muss einfach nur einen Kommentar (bevorzugt von freundlicher Natur) unter das Youtube Video posten. Ich würde mich auch freuen, wenn ihr das Video "liken" und "sharen" würdet :)  

Das gibts zu gewinnen: 2x diese Dame hier (that wären dann Giveaways #33 und #34 von 42): 

2x limitierte Steampunk Alice (w/ certificate)
von Sebastian Archer / Guild of Harmony (Australia)


Möchtet ihr wissen, wie tief das Hasenloch in meinen Gedanken wirklich ist? Nehmt die ORANGE Pille! 

Ah, und es ist NOCH NICHT zu spät, bei den ersten 420 subscribern des Blogs dabei zu sein. Denkt dran - der Titel "The 420" für die Zeit nach der Revolution wird vergeben. Es gibt nur noch sechs "Plätze"! :D

Wer der REVOLUTION kostenfrei beitreten möchte kann mir  eine email mit dem Betreff  "REVOLUTION" schicken.

Und nicht vergessen: Es laufen nebenbei noch 32 (!) weitere Verlosungen mit Preisen von tausenden Dollar!  Checkt oben den Menüeintrag "GIVEAWAYS" für die aktuelle Liste der Verlosungen! 

Viel Glück und vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung! 
Bald seht ihr, dass ich wahrscheinlich ANDERS verrückt bin, als ihr alle denkt :D


  1. Cool teaser. But why do the people in the back do behave so strange?:-). What kind of company will it be? I can't wait until tomorrow.

    1. I find their behavior perfectly normal :D

    2. No no. There is snow everywhere but nobody slips.

  2. I have done what you asked...Mazter.

  3. Zaphod you should see this plastic crack:
    hoping it keeps crushing goals and getting new minis!

    1. Indeed - I was already on it ;)

      So sad that soooo many good fundraisers (kickstarter, indiegogo) are running right now - with 12+ months... Its like a interest free purchase for furniture or big screen TVs... The money is gone now. And more cool stuff will come even before you receive your items... I wished such fundraisers would run 3-4 months... That is the 'forseeable' future ;)

      But KD stuff is pretty cool, I have to admit :D

  4. Verrat?
    Da wird die Welt der buntbemalten Männchen seit Wochen auf DIE REVOLUTION vorbereitet. Einen Mahlstrom der Erneuerung in der kein Pigment auf dem anderen bleiben soll. Es werden Gewinne in Dagobert Duckschen Dimensionen feilgeboten. "Episches Ausmaß", "epochale Bedeutung", dass sind die Worte die man im ersten revolutionären Bilddokument vernehmen möchte.....
    Aber was sagt der Mann, auf dessen Schultern, wohl für einen Wimpernschlag nur, die Hoffnung der Welt aus Zinn, Resin und Pigmenten ruhte?
    Er spricht mehrfach, verschämt lächelnd von "...unsere kleine Revolution...".
    Kein "..die Erde wird sich auftun... / ...der Horizont verschiebt sich... / ...das Ende aller schlechtgesculpteten und unbemalten Figürchen ist nahe...".
    Das Volk will nicht "...unsere kleine Revolution..." - davon war nie die Rede...
    Das Volk will REVOLUTION!!!
    ...ich werde ein Auge drauf haben...

    1. ^^ Besser sind zwei Augen! :D

      There are so many people concerned about the world ending on December 21st just because someone can't figure out how to replace the batteries in some old Maya Calender. I avoided all kinds of apocalyptic REVOLUTION scenario thusly :D

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you =] I honestly can say that I have never been more happy, more motivated or even more alive than these last couple of weeks. It's an awesome hobby that we share!

  6. ha at 2:03 you can see there have to be tricked some how and the people arent moving backwards in the place you live.

    1. Its true... My mind and my body work backwards recently. Everything is upside down in my universe...

      So I filmed myself and had to run the whole thing backwards so you could hear my words... Unfortunately there was some 'collateral' :D

  7. und seine Worte waren...wir haben viel zu tun ;)

    nun kenn ich mich aus :D

    1. Naja, die anderen Vids kannste aber trotzdem noch gucken :D Auch wenn Du Dich jetzt schon auskennst ^^

  8. Hey my friend. All I want to say is: good luck! Whatever it is, I hope you will be happy with it. If you need help (maybe with the press) just gimme a call!

    Greetz Florian


    1. =] I so much want to post dozens of more videos of revolution songs... But I think I slightly overdid it recently ^^

      But my spotify REVOLUTION playlist is kinda epic (skip the first 15 or so, rest is "REVOLUTION", "JOIN" or "42" related :D

  10. Damned!
    Waiting since yesterday afternoon for the post, and now....
    its a damned video!
    I´m sitting at work, cant listen to the president,
    and I have to wait till today evening...


  11. funny little video, I like the idea and i'm looking forward to see the hole epicness of your Revolution my friend.

    Cheerio and best wishes

    1. Thanks :) I hope in January I will have the time to do what you showed me on your awesome blog @


  12. I guess it was just the whole "Zaphod" thing, but I always read your posts as if you were speaking in a southern accent despite knowing that you are in Germany. It's like when you read a book and the movie comes out and the character is totally different from what you were picturing, but this time in real life. Weird.

    1. The weird part is that I got "you look NOTHING like your avatar" all the time.

      Seeing all these funky avatars I wonder why noone else gets this question... HEY! You don't look like a PANDA! I AM surprised! :D

      Actually I am very unhappy with my accent on the video. My English is sub-par as well.
      Maybe it was the sub-zero temperatures we shot the whole thing in...


  13. Thank you all for your many, many messages and questions that I received over night. Wow!

    Let me thank you all - and let me welcome the last two people that joined. Pete, an Australian musician with mad ninja guitar skills and Dirk, a former team member with mad SQL Server ninja skills. AFAIK, they both do not paint or play with miniatures.

    Because you are the first two that I know of that crossed over from a non-miniature universe into our reality... earned the title "BRANECRAWLER" :D

    And if you don't know what this means I URGE you to read up on String-Theory and M-Theory. (YouTube: Dr. Michiu Kaku, Dr. Leonard Susskind, Dr. Ed Witten or others ^^) It blew my mind, too! Especially the MATH :/


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