- where we learn to be a better painter!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Newsflash 1.2/1.3: Poland launches first Galactic Battleship!

Newsflash: Poland successfully launches first Galactic Battleship!

We have received so much help from the community for the task of translating our Season 1.2 and 1.3 DVD sets into YOUR languages. This group of extraordinary Captains and Bable Fishes sacrifice their valuable time to make our DVD sets better for YOU.

Translating 5 DVDs with over 70 chapters and about 18 hours of content means a LOT of work. And they do it not only for us. They do it for YOU! Why not tell them 'Thank you' in your language in the comments below ;) 

These exalted nations have named their ships: 

  • GBS Kosmojajo Jeden (Poland)
  • GBS The Crown (Sweden)
  • GBS Lovecraft's Sumptuous Madness (France)
We are still awaiting the names for
  • GBS Spain
  • GBS Denmark
  • GBS Russia
  • GBS Italy
  • GBS Hungary
  • GBS Holland
So while they are working hard, the least we can do for them is to make sure they have fun! 

Without them knowing it, by accepting to help us they have joined a game. Like we experienced from real life: the game starts and you have no idea what the rules are. And you have no idea what it will get you in the end. You only hope it's fun. 

Launch tube image of the GBS Kosmojajo Jeden ("Spaceball One", literally Space-Egg One)

Well, let's address some of the rules:  

Fame & Fortune

Captains and Bable Fishes can earn ranks and - eventually - upgrades to their spaceships.

To to earn titles, ranks and upgrades, Captains and Bable fishes can earn points. They don't know exactly how this works yet.

To baldly go where no man has gone before. 

There are secret missions for our captains. They don't know what they are. To give you a few examples, some missions names are "First Contact", "Plot the Course", "Pebbles for Land",  "It's a ship, Jim, but not as we know it", "The checker", "First Blood", "First in Flight" and so on. 

Of course, extra credits and badges are awarded for those glorious individuals & crews that unlock these goals!

More rules right after we made them up! In other words: Soon™

GBS Yamato: Missing since 2199
Where in the Universe is the GBS Yamato?
友達は銀河の大統領「Zaphod Beeblebrox」に私を呼び出しています。 
我々のプロジェクトを手伝うことができる、英語を話せる日本人たちを探しています。 GBSヤマトの船長が必要です。ぜひ、この説明を読んでください。() 
興味を持っている場合、 私にFacebookメールで連絡してください。
Admiral Zaphod Beeblebrox, 銀河の大統領 
(GNC Heart of Gold)
ベースの錬金術;ボリューム1;アース - 日本語の字幕はまだまだです。

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Seasons 1.2/1.3 Newsflash: About Captains and Fishes

Season 1.2/1.3 Newsflash: About Captains and Fishes


Last Thursday we asked if some of you would be interested in helping us translate subtitles for our upcoming DVD sets Season 1.2 - Banners & Freehands with Stephan Rath and Season 1.3 - Base Alchemy 1 with Ben Komets and Matt Cexwish.

A few hours later I knew why I love this community so much! People were lining up for something that only gets them a lot of work in exchange for little fame and less fortune :D But they'll receive some free swag that cannot be bought anywhere - and our eternal gratitude ^^. 

Including us, 21 Captains and Bable Fishes have now irrevocably committed themselves to 'get it done' and have been added to a super-secret 'Captains & Bable Fishes' facebook group. A total of 8 Galactic Battleships have been commissioned.

2014: The Year of the Pirate

Galactic Battleships are manned and... well, I guess 'fished'. 

So with this post I would like to thank these extraordinary individuals who sacrifice their valuable time to make our DVD sets even better - FOR YOU!

Fully manned Battleships:

GBS Netherlands: Bruddha Gert (C), Bruddha Martin, Bruddha Jeroen, Bruddha Pascal
GBS Spain: Bruddha Volomir (C) +4 yet unnamed Bable Fishes*

Operational Battleships: 

GBS Poland: Bruddha Karol, Bruddha Lukasz (C), Bruddha Tomasz
GBS Sweden: Bruddha Stefan (C) and Bruddha Tony **
GBS Italy: Bruddha Giulio and Bruddha Jarod
GBS France: Bruddha Julien (C) and Bruddha Martin 
GBS Denmark: Bruddha Mikkel (C), Bruddha Bent 

Skeleton Crew Battleships - looking for Bable Fishes:

GBS Hungary: Bruddha Sas Peter (C) 
GBS Russia: Bruddha Dima (C)

Missing Battleship Blueprints: 

GBS Japan - よろしくお願いします
GBS Portugal - for our two Bruddhas in Portugal and Brazil
GBS Iceland - just because that would be so cool. I know there is one viewer in Iceland :D

I can only say THANK YOU so much for doing this! I know it is a lot of work and your commitment for our community will not be forgotten! We just thought 'let's try this' - as a form of experiment: And the response is truly amazing! You guys rock!

*  Spain has had so many volunteers (11!) that they need to do a raffle!
** For safety reasons, the battleships GBS Sweden and GBS Denmark are kept in separate universes.

It's not too late to join us!

If you are interested in joining our growing Armada and maybe organize subtitles for your country, chat me up on Facebook. We are looking for a full crew of four Bruddhas per Battleship.
Early Bird special still going on: 27€ pre-order-price, 53€ set price!

DVD schedule - looking good!

Inspite of many attempts by Murphy to once again sabotage our operation, he has not been very successful yet. We are only 3 days behind schedule and quite literally working day and night to catch up. ;)

We planned to have the DVD Editing done by the end of February and we are still on track for that. The release for the DVDs was scheduled for March - it will be very tight in the end as we don't have full control over the production process, but it's fair to say that - unless some major catastrophe sets in - we are in the home stretch. Soon™ :D

We will show you some of the things we are doing right now very soon - in some areas you won't believe your eyes ;) 

Next stop: Stretchgoals!

Next week we will announced secret STRETCH GOALS for our Season 1.2/1.3/Mega Bundle sets. That's right: If you already ordered your DVD - you will receive MORE than you paid for. 

Exclusive stretchgoal: Those of you who pre-order a Season 1.2/1.3/Mega-Bundle before we tell you what the stretchgoals are will receive ... you guessed it ... a SECRET stretchgoal item!

We are getting really excited here - I hope you are too! ;) 


Friday, February 21, 2014

1.2/1.3 Newsflash #2: Be a Babel-Fish!

1.2/1.3 Newsflash #2: Be a Babel-Fish!

We would like to conduct a little experiment to make our Season 1.2/1.3 DVD sets even better:

If you are interested in having subtitles in YOUR language on our Season 1.2/1.3 DVDs and on future releases, please read this entertaining article about the life of fishes.

Then SHARE & ENJOY it with your friends!

2・21: "Day of the Mother-Tongue"

Today is the International Day of the Mother-Tongue.

I gave Mati two days off to help out our friends in Augsburg by live-translating a Sculpting Masterclass with Pedro Fernández from Spanish to German. 

2*21 is also 42. 

Coincidence? I think not! Introducing the Babel-Fish.

First: What is a Babel-Fish?

From the cult TV-Show "HHGTTG" (BBC)
From "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams: "The Babel fish is small yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier, but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the unconscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centers of the brain which has supplied them. 

The practical upshot of this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish." 

In short, the Bable Fish makes you understand all languages :D


There are a few universal languages: Music, Math, Laws of Physics, Love and Humor and - of course - the mother of all universal languages: Miniature Painting. 

Unfortunately, none of us speak all existing languages. In fact, we mostly struggle expressing our ideas in our own Mutter-tongue ;) 

Strangely enough, Google Translate, Bablefish & Co also have the tendency to result in hilarious jibber-jabber rather than comprehensible information, even though in most cases you can at least understand what the context is all about.

Like all specialized areas, miniature painters tend to have their own set of specialized terminology which is virtually impossible to translate for someone who does not understand how to paint miniatures in the first place.

As a result of this, in the world today there is only almost nearly one professional translation service for Miniature Painters and hobbyists in general (i.e. none). And in the interest of mutual understanding, sharing AND enjoying,

Painting Buddha pledges to change this.

We will reveal more details on our project code-named "BEEBLE・BABLE" (not to be confused with "BEEBLE
BABBLE") after the release of Season 1.2 and 1.3.

So, if this is your cup of seawater, your future might hold some opportunities for fun, fame and fortune for all you cunning linguists out there! What say you?  

*Bablefish: "Barbell-fish? What's a DVD related?" *Google Translate: "Barbell Fish? Relationship of DVD's What?" What we wanted to say was: "Bable Fish? What does that have to do with DVDs?"

Find the Fish

Where is the Fish? Find the Fish! Fishy, fishy, fishy Fish!
For our Season 1.2 and 1.3 we have pledged German, English and Spanish subtitles, with the addition of French and Italian.

Amazingly, many of you approached us saying: "Hey, I could do <insert language> subtitles for you, if you like! Would you be interested in that!?" 

Would we? Of course we would! 

Dead Fish warns:
Don't bite the bait just yet -
hooks & strings attached
It doesn't take much to be a fish, but...

...there's a catch. And some strings attached...

First, you need to be able to translate English or German into your native language. 

Secondly, you need a software called Subtitle Edit

Thirdly, you need to be willing to selflessly sacrifice your valuable time and to deliver on a tight schedule. 

To be The Fish, you have to first understand The Fish. And with passion and dedication you can become The Fish!

Captain, my captain!

How the community will see the Captain and his/her crew.
Dramatization. Individual results may vary.
Some of our Bruddhas and friends have already volunteered to translate our DVDs for us and will start working on this shortly. However, as we announced yesterday, with the addition of another fully loaded DVD, that puts 20% more time and effort on their scales. 

These courageous Captains have pledged to sail through the treacherous seas without really knowing where it would lead them - and we are trying to find them a crew to guide them through the lurking lakes of linguistics.

If YOU would like to be a Captain, this is what you would need to agree to: 
  1. We send you all of the information and files necessary to be able to translate our Season 1.2 and 1.3 from English (or German) into your native language
  2. You can opt to sail the sea alone - be aware that it will be a arduous journey. We could send you a roster of fearless and motivated volunteers if we find any tough enough for the task at hand.
  3. You lead your crew and chart the course independently - after all, you are at sea! Also, you would check the results of their hard day's work.
  4. You would exchange information on your journey via regular carrier pigeons or jacked-up sparrows between you and Galactic Admiral Zaphod Beeblebrox (that would be me :D) via chat, Skype and/or hangout.
  5. There can only be one Captain on your ship. The crew should not be more than 3-4 Bable Fishes
  6. You are willing to set sail very soon™.
Chat me up on Facebook or send us an email to this address.
(Optional: Sign your mail in style with 'XXX')

Heart of the Swarm

If you want to be a Bable Fish guiding your Captain's vessel like a Dolphin, you could swim in formation to form the Heart of the Swarm: 
  1. You are able to translate 6, 7 or more chapters of a DVD, each between 4.2 and roughly 42 minutes. Average length is probably around 21 minutes.
  2. You will exchange all information and files with your Captain via any means necessary.
  3. No mutiny. ^^
Again, if you would like to work with us to grow our community, chat me up on Facebook or send us an email to this address

How much is the fish?

For us, Painting Buddha is a Treasure map. Having said that, we have not found nor dug up the loot yet - so we have to pay you off with the promise of adventure, fame and rare things. Things that even a pile of gold can't buy: 

The loot for Captains and Bable Fishes alike is the same. Equal Share & Enjoy:
  • Everyone receives custom Bable-Fish T-Shirts, Stickers, Buttons and more - all designed by none other than Ben Komets and hand-made. This rare and valuable loot will not be available for sale ever.
  • Everyone receives a free Season 1.2/1.3 Bundle, signed by the team
  • Each chapter will show the name and/or nick of the respective translator and - if you would like - the URL to your blog, social media page or website. On our blog and our future website (planned for 2014) you will be eternally recognized as one of the immortal heroes of Painting Buddha with special titles and privileges.
  • You will be the first to be involved in Project "Beeble-Bable" - and that could possibly open a chest full of free stuff and gold for you.
  • We will not forget that you helped us.
This is not the treasure you are looking for! *hand motion*
More on Monday

If you have any comments, questions or queries, let us know! You know where to find us ;)

Starting Monday I will publish the list of captains and we will match them up with their Babel Fishes. And we will set sail. 

Treasure is waiting for you. YARRRRR!

If you missed last night's Chilling Wargamers with Jeremy Glen (Creature Caster) - it's on Youtube now and I think it's a MUST SEE.

Tonight at 7:42cet: BEEBE BABBLE #2 with Fernando Ruiz Ceano of Heroes & Villans!

And now for something completely different: How to NOT stick a fish in your ear

In the comments below, please let us know which additional languages you would like to find on our 1.2/1.3 and on future releases. If someone already posted 'I want Klingon' please reply to that particular comment (if that's what you want). 

Oh and in case you missed it, meet Matt & The Sleepmaker in yesterday's Newsflash #1 - see how we use your support to re-invest in our ideas and give back to the community!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Important Season 1.2/1.3 DVD Update: Introducing Matt & The Sleepmaker

Good News, Everyone! 

Season 1.2 & 1.3 - NEWSFLASH - Part 1

The Season 1.2/1.3 Newsflash is here!
Sometimes I wished you could watch us live and see for yourself, how much fun we have developing our upcoming DVD sets for you. 

There are so many more things that I would like to show you about how and why we do what we do, but we are literally working day and night to make our Season 1.2 and Season 1.3 DVD sets the best miniature painting instruction sets in existence.

And I am happy to inform you that we are in the home stretch! And there really are 'Good News, Everyone!' 

So it's time to start some frequent updates as we close in on the release of the next two seasons - and it is time to show, what your support enables us to do for you!

Please SHARE & ENJOY this with your friends - it would help us and the community tremendously. 

Good News: More for you!

One of the two banners
painted in Season 1.2
Let's bring on the best news first - as this will explain the context of this post better: In December, we announced that Season 1.2 and 1.3 would consist of 2 DVDs each. While that still is true for Season 1.2 - Freehands and banners with Stephan "Derwish" Rath, we had so much awesome material for our Season 1.3 - Base Alchemy Volume 1: Earth with Ben Komets and Matt Cexwish - that we decided to fill up not two, but three DVDs with base building buddhaliciousness! 

For us this means 50% more work on Season 1.3, and considering that editing 1 minute of filmed video takes about 15-20 minutes of post-production (!) that is quite a big impact. 

After reviewing the material that we filmed last year, I was already planning for this eventuality as not reacting to this would have meant that we also need 50% more time making the DVDs - and that would have brought us into May or even June for our release. Unacceptable.

In previous posts and in the web-shop we stated that the DVD development was scheduled to be done end of February and the release would be in March. 

Right now, it seems like we are pretty much on track, even though it looks like the release will be around end of March instead of the middle of March. Let's hope Murphy is not on to us as only disease and disaster can stop us now - been there, done that :D

Early Beard Heroes make it happen

We have so many new friends and followers (heading towards 4200 likes on Facebook - that's going to be a party, I can tell you!) that many of you may not know who we are, what we do and why we do it

In short - we are not too concerned with making profits for ourselves. Everything we do will be re-invested one way or the other into what we love - our beautiful hobby:

42% of profits will be reinvested in our company, 42% of profits will be invested to grow the community and 16% of profits will be donated to charity.

The full scale of what we have planned will become clearer this year. I called it 'Painting Revolution' for a reason ;) 

Many of you have put their trust in us and supported our cause by pre-ordering the Season 1.2 and 1.3 'Early Beard Special'. When I came back from a short break after the holidays and saw the amount of Early Beard specials you guys ordered, I was literally moved to tears by the enormous amount of trust and support you guys place in us. 

So we decided to put your money where our heart is. Payback time ;) 

Introducing: The Sleepmaker

Since starting Masterminis and Painting Buddha, it is fair to say that I have never worked this hard in my entire life. And in case you did not know this: my salary is 0€. I think that this is a small price to pay for having a shot at living your dream.

Unfortunately, there are physical limits to how much three guys with a passion can do. Adding a third DVD for the price time of two was one of these things. And that was mainly due to two reasons:
  • First, although we already had some pretty awesome editing PCs, rendering time of videos caused a big problem. Rendering some of our material literally took days. 
  • We were just three passionate guys who suffered from a severe case of 'There are only 24 hour in a day' syndrome. 
Heart of The Sleepmaker
In short: We needed more peoplepower (oh, we are so politically correct!) and much more horsepower (wait what?). 

'The Sleepmaker' was exactly the kind of 42% reinvestment in our company that we needed. A dedicated video rendering machine that is so fast that it makes a grown nerd cry. Just the cooler fan alone will send shivers up and down a true nerd's spine. :D

Where rendering one chapter of our Season 1.1 DVD often time took the whole night (and damn you if you found a mistake and you needed to render it again...), The Sleepmaker renders the same chapters in minutes. 

And, for once, it allows me to finally catch some much needed sleep. I named it thusly. :D

Introducing: Matt, the temporarily temporary '4 of 9 of the Grey Council'

Hah, such a fun title for a chapter! I love Startrek & Babylon 5 - so much that our work contracts specify that Ben & Mati are members of 'The Grey Council' - our 'Management Board'... LOL 

Professionals at work settling an argument.
Thanks to Bruddha Gus for the balloon art!
We have a lot of fun titles for us. Of course, I am the Galactic President Zaphod Beeblebrox (aka Agent Blue, aka '1 of 9'), Mati is 'Agent White' ('2 of 9') and Ben is 'Agent Orange' '3 of 9'. So there's still room for 6 of 9 left - we have plans for the future. Big ones ;) Oh, and of course all of this information represents teasers for things to come. Long time strategy FTW. 

So there we were, 3 guys and 4 PCs. We needed someone who is equally talented and crazy to operate this insane machine. So we called Agent Purple - Slayer Sword winner Matt Cexwish - to help us out. 

Raising The Sword in triumph!
A day later he was cutting videos like a mad man and I was finally able to start working on implementing some initial ideas for the miniature painting and gaming community. The next few weeks and months are going to be exciting.

This was exactly, what we needed - and the support of you, the Early Beard Heroes, made it all possible. Words are not enough to tell you how thankful I am for placing your trust in us!

Matt also gives Workshops!
I want YOU to get MOAR. 

A lot of people ask us why we don't do a fund-raiser like a Kickstarter or something. While we might run one of these in the future, I think we are really doing a community based fund-raiser already. 

We just try to do it by ourselves first - and with your help we are already thaaaaaaat close to the next big step!  ;) 

Right now, Matt works for us as a freelancer. He has just finished his University degree as an Architect and has experience in the film industry and all kinds of other areas that I have big plans for in the future. He is one of the most creative and positively crazy people I know. 

I really want him on board. I think he is crazy enough to even consider joining us. All I need is to be able to make him an offer that he can't refuse. And for that I need your help :) 

Still available at the Early BEARD special pre-order price of 27€. 1.2/1.3 Bundle at 53€!
How to support us

I promised full transparency a year ago. Y we do it? 42!
Of course, the best deal for you is to support us by purchasing our products such as  DVD sets or T-Shirts in our web-shop

Since Season 1.1 is almost sold out, now is the time to secure your copy.

If we succeed at what we are doing (and I think we will), this DVD set will be part of miniature history some day. 

Collectible Nerd-Alert! 

Bubblebrox Mini-Me says:
"Sharing is Caring"

A totally free way of supporting us would be to SHARE & ENJOY what we do with your friends. 

Telling your friends about what we do, inviting them to follow us on Facebook is just a click away. Sharing our posts on Facebook and Google+ also helps us to grow our community. 

If you have other ideas on how you could support us, shoot me a message on Facebook or send me an email! Let's talk!

1.2 & 1.3 NEWSFLASH Roadmap

There will be very frequent updates on the development of Season 1.2 and 1.3 in the next days and weeks. The next chance to ask us live questions would be during the next Episode of the Chilling Wargamers Hangout (tomorrow night at 8pm CET) as well as on BEEBLE・BABBLE #2 this Friday at 7:42pm CET. Read all about our new online shows here.

If you have questions you would like us to answer, please leave them in the comments below!

And if you would like to decide with us and work with us on the fine tuning of our next DVDs, you should look forward to our next Newsflash update!

Oh, did I mention our super-secret-stretchgoals for all of our Early BEARD supporters? No? This is a story for another time, then.... Oops, spoiler alert:

The early beard catches the stretch!


Still available at the Early BEARD special pre-order price of 27€. 1.2/1.3 Bundle at 53€

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

For the Greater Good: The Chilling Wargamers & Creature Caster & Painting Buddha

The Chilling Wargamers & Painting Buddha
Combining Nerd Power for the Greater Good

What is our hobby all about? Well, of course, there is the love for miniatures. Painting, gaming, collecting are the three addictive ingredients. 

But what's really the heart and soul of our hobby is our community. Yes, we may be globally distributed with a few good nerds here and there, but in my humble opinion, the Internet makes us the biggest small community in the world. 

The Chilling Wargamers

World Exclusive first pictures of the Season 1.2
DVD Interface on CWG! More on this today on
this very blog ;) Don't miss it!
A few months ago, I found a network of extraordinary nerds called 'The Chilling Wargamers'. The 'The' is superfluous here, as 'Chilling Wargamers' is an absolute 100% to-the-point description of what these guys are all about. They love wargames and they are very chilled. Some of them like Chicken. 

Two weeks ago, I got invited to talk about Painting Buddha on their weekly Youtube show on a Google+ Hangout. The show is broadcast live every Thursday night, generally starting around 7-8pm GMT. 

Not only did we have an awesome time during the show (1h24m) but we continued to chill in Hangout for a long time after the show was off air for a nerdy 'after party' of sorts. 

In fact, we had so much fun that the very next day I was asked whether I would like to join their group of panel of nerds for future shows. Would I? Of course I would! Hello?

Professionals working for the Greater Good of our hobby. 
World Exclusive - as seen on CWG

In the CWG 'Painting Buddha episode', I shared the first ever public WIP screenshots on Season 1.2 (Freehands and Banners with tripple-Slayer-Sword winner Stephan "Derwish" Rath). You might want to check our Valentine's Day post if you want to secure one of the last few remaining PB Budget and Supporter Boxes. Almost sold out!

Also, we have a much requested DVD-only deal up (called the 'Bundle of LOVE'), to give you all of the miniature painting secrets at the lowest price possible. 

(CWG + PB) * (CC + PB)  = 3

For me, being on CWG's show was not only fun, but in fact a great test as we had scheduled our very own first show for the very next day. Beeble・Babble #1 with Jeremy Glen (Creature Caster) was a 'great success'. 

So, in one week we had a fun show with CWG & PB followed by a fun show with PB & Creature Caster. Let's do an experiment, shall we. What would happen if we combined the nerd power of Chilling Wargamers, the monstrous appeal of Creature Caster and some bearded hobo from Painting Buddha in one show?

Will we summon a Chilling Buddha Caster? A Painting Wargamer Creature? Chill with the CWG crew, Jeremy and myself this Thursday evening to find out for yourself! Oh, and we do answer your live questions during the show!

And since we had one World Exclusive announcement for our first appearance on the CWG show, this Thursday we have to up the ante. There will not be one, but TWO world exclusive announcements. 

And thus the empire was forged. Join the revolution!

BEEBLE・BABBLE #2: Fernando Ruiz Ceano / Heroes & Villains

Heroes & Villains Miniatures
More World Exclusives? Join Fernando and myself for BEEBLE・BABBLE #2. We heard that the first show was a great choice to watch while painting miniatures!

So check out episode 2, airing this coming Friday evening - I believe Fernando has some exciting news for all of us.


Would you like to know more?™

Chilling WargamersFacebook ・ Youtube
Creature Caster: FacebookWebsiteYoutube
Painting Buddha: FacebookYoutubeGoogle+TwitterShop

Are you nerd enough?

We hereby authorize you to do BOTH KINDS of things to/with this information. You may 'share AND enjoy'! We leave it to your discretion to either share publicly and excessively or to share it with your nerdiest miniature friends in secret.

By sharing miniature related posts you help us to grow our global community day by day. One by one. You know, you gotta catch them all ;) And as always - Sharing is CARING.