- where we learn to be a better painter!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jérémie Bonamant Teboule Workshop in Berlin!

Greetings, my most excellent students of the fine arts!

He is back.

Jérémie just sent me a mail, informing me about his upcoming Workshop in Berlin. 

The workshop will be held at the infamous "Battlefield Berlin" store - and of course I am going to be there ;) 

Jérémie held the first 'professional' workshop for miniature painting in Germany in 2006 - and it  was the first of many workshops to come that I attended. 

The workshop will take place between July 5th and 7th. You will be able to book the workshop on Battle- fields website - right now there is no registration, so you might have to wait a day or two - or just give those guys a call. 

The workshop will cost 100€ and includes a Figone miniature. 

Seats will be limited, so Jack be nimble, Jack be quick! 

I strongly advise bringing loads of cash - because a true nerd will not leave this most buddhalicious store without at least four plastic bags full of nerdy goodness ;) 

I will post more information as soon as it becomes available. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh...common -.- thats the same date roman and raffa do a workshop here. Cloning isn´t invented yet =(
