- where we learn to be a better painter!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Future of Games Workshop - Part 17: End Times

The Future of Games Workshop - Part 17: End Times

You can find part 17 of our epic series about the future of Games Workshop on our new blog.<< Click da LINK! :D

Follow us on Facebook << Click da link, TOO!

Check our new website << Definitely CLICK da LINK!


Monday, August 4, 2014

The End of & Painting Buddha

The End of & Painting Buddha

It is official, people!

We are sorry to regret to inform you that & Painting Buddha are dead....

Or.... ARE THEY? 

Well, maybe we are not dead, after all ;)

But big, big changes are taking place at the Painting Buddha HQ - and two of them are that we finally got rid of our old store (which is probably the cause for my bald head) and we will be closing down the Google blog as well. All future blog entries will be on our new blog!

Both, the Painting Buddha Shop and a much more powerful version of a blog / site have been merged! 

The shop is dead! The blog is dead! LONG LIVE THE SHLOG!

But wait, there's more! 

For today, news of Painting Buddha's death may have been exaggerated, BUT we have similarly exciting news in the next couple of day. 

In a way, Painting Buddha is really dead. Replaced by a much cooler version of PAINTING BUDDHA! 

And to celebrate this momentous event, we have brought back very limited supplies of the Painting Buddha Season 1 Mega Box and the Painting Buddha Season 1.1 Supporter Box

Only 42 of each are available - when they are gone, Season 1.1 is finally sold out - forever! 

Also, we reached 1,000,000 views on this blog last week - you can't begin to imagine how thankful we are! And that is why we offer a 4,20€ discount on all orders over 42€! For the next 1,000,000 seconds! (11+ days) ;) 

This is probably a good time to follow us on Facebook - great things are afoot! 

From all of us here at Painting Buddha: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! And thank you all for your continued 'Sharing & Enjoying'! It may just be a mouse-click for you - but you Sharing & Enjoying what we do with your friends keeps us going!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Future of Games Workshop - Part 15: A Good Year...?

The Future of Games Days and Games Workshop
Part 15: "A good year": GW profit down 42%, Kirby steps down. 

A very quick post

If you have read all of our epic walls of text on the future of Games Days and Games Workshop, the phrase "ain't nobody got time for that" should ring a bell.

While Mati is still on vacation for another week, Ben has just returned from his - and we have our own plans on taking over the Universe - so we are quite busy at the moment.  

But now that the financial report 2013-2014 for GW is out - and 'black snow' has fallen on the 'bubble-boys' (really, you don't know what I am talking about? Read parts 1-14!), I just want to give you a quick update an what's what in the financials. 

The wall of text and analysis of the financial report will follow. And I am thinking of a final post/show/whatever to wrap up the rather bleak developments at Games Workshop and this epic-mini-series soon™. 

42 IS the answer - I told you so!

For about a year and a half I have been analyzing what is going on at GW, always warning the GW management not to put their hand on the hot stove. Of course they didn't listen. Again and again. So I don't really feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for everyone at GW who's not in management. Those are the good guys. 

In part 14 of our mini-series, I tried to see what the crystal ball had to say on how much profit GW would lose in this year's financials. And I estimated it to be 42%. 

Turns out that profits are down 42%. OK, some may say it was a lucky hunch, but I am gonna say: "I told you so." :D

For your own financial analysis check out GW's 2013-2014 Financial Report here.

The master-bubble-boy speaks and steps down. 

Tom Kirby, chairman and acting CEO of Games Workshop said: 
“Games Workshop has had a really good year. 
If your measure of 'good' is the current financial year's numbers, you may not agree. But if your measure is the long-term survivability of a great cash generating business that still has a lot of potential growth, then you will agree.” 

Here is what I respond to Mr. Kirby: 
"No. Nobody agrees. Not your shareholders, not your customers, not your fans, not your stores, not your traders, not your employees. GW had a horrible year.
Instead of growing your business and our community you are now talking about survivability of GW. I award you no points and may the deity of your choice have mercy on your soul. 
I recommend you all read the Financial Report and the Chairman's Preamble. You will see that (as always) not everything is black-and-white. I will follow up with a more comprehensive discussion of the financial report sometime this week, I hope. I might even have a 'professional analyst' look at the numbers for you. 

But there is a silver lining on the horizon. Tom Kirby will step down on January 1st, 2015: 
"On the first of January next year I will be stepping down as CEO of Games Workshop. I intend staying on as non-executive Chairman (if the board will have me), so those of you who want to see an end to these preambles (rhymes with rambles), don't get your hopes up just yet." 
Yeah... 'rambles'... OK, I do have something in common with him after all. :P I'll talk more about what I think needs to happen after Tom Kirby is gone in another EPIC wall of text with the full analysis of GW's good year. 

Yo, Kirby. 42! Told you. 

The End of Painting Buddha is near :D

If you have seen our BEEBLE・BABBLE #12 with Infamy Games' James Griffiths, you will not be as shocked about this heading as much - it's not what it seems! But I urge you to stay tuned to our Facebook page as we have some rather exciting and cool news this week! 

Previous Parts on "The Future of Games Days and Games Workshop"

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 7.5 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bruddha Conrad's Figureworld 2014 Report

Figureworld 2014

Our first guest report from an event is here! 

Bruddha Conrad went to Figureworld, took tons of pictures and wrote this little report for you!

Thanks Conrad!


It might have been while chatting to Michael at Stresa, or maybe on Facebook afterwards, but at some point I agreed to do a short write-up of Figureworld, so I thought I’d start with a little bit of history.  The original idea was started by a group of us from the “Basement” forum (now closed), to hold a social modellers event for figure painters where they could see completed work, discuss ideas, show work in progress, watch demos, get feedback and maybe even buy a nice new figure or six.  The first event was held in 2010 and it moved to its current location Oundle in 2011 and has stayed there since.

So only a couple of days after returning from the World Expo at Stresa I was driving across England with a car boot full of figures for display and all the tools needed for a bit of demo painting.  Arriving on the Friday lets us get started with some of the set-up like checking the display and traders tables are in place.  Some of traders even arrive a day early as well all of which means that a nice social evening can be had at the local pub discussing the hobby or just catching up with each other, even better they serve a very nice cider.  

And this year we got to see a wonderful display of lightning as thunderstorms rolled across the country to the South.

Then it’s an early start to Saturday, sorting the wet palette and lighting for the demo painting and taking pictures of the hall as the traders arrive and taking an early stint on door duty although at this time it’s mostly traders and the show hasn’t officially opened yet, the few punters that do arrive being more than happy to check about car parking and walk the short distance to the town centre to get some breakfast.  So a bit before 10:30 I manage to get some breakfast myself (Where did the last 3 hours go … ), take a few more pictures as figures start to appear on the display area and then settle down for some demo painting which is in a smaller side hall where the visitors can rest their feet and have a get some refreshments.

For me much of the day was taken up with demo painting and taking pictures.  A couple of oil painters who have started with acrylics were interested in the blending options, another asked about the wet palette and I think in another year or so I will actually have finished the Greek hoplite bust I use and have to find another demo piece.

Taking pictures gave an opportunity to stop by the trade stalls to pick up a few pieces I’d planned to get and a few more I hadn’t.  Bases, historical, fantasy, paints, brushes, tools and books; something to tempt even the most battered wallet and this year Gideon Miniatures had some anime garage kits, couldn’t pass that up!  

I also managed to taunt James with Talullah Belle again, whatever he says it’s his fault for asking if it was for sale last year and any opportunity to wave the figure under his nose is just too good to pass up.

A couple of hours later it all seems to have gone quite well, there was lots of stuff to look at on the displays and both visitors and traders seemed happy.  

So after packing everything away it’s time for another relaxing evening with Adrian, Mark, Nick, Robert, Robin, Kev, t’other Kev, Martyn and Ross.  It’s a funny old hobby at times and putting on this show is a lot of work, but the feedback makes it worth it, so thanks to all that attended for the support and the kind words.

A few links

My own galleries

By Kevin Jarrett

By Ross

Platoon Britannica

Planet Figure

If you want to write short reports from your local events and shows, just shoot me a message on Facebook ;)

Oct 11-12: Warhammer Fest & Golden Demon

Games Workshop's new 'premier' Event:
Warhammer Fest; October 11-12th, Ricoh Arena Coventry

It seems that we were really well informed as the rumors surrounding a new 'Games Day'-like event turn out to be spot on. 

Ricoh Arena, Coventry
The "Warhammer Fest" is the new 'premier event' by Games Workshop. For the first time it will take place over two days in the Rico Arena, Coventry (30 minutes east of Birmingham, 1h south of Nottingham). 

The ticket prices have been reduced from 35GBP to 20GBP but since I expect most people to go on both days, the total cost would be 40GBP. (They should have made it 21GBP, imo). 

Spreading an event over two days has the advantage that - even if the tickets are limited - GW will be able to get twice as many visitors over the two days than before. I think that's pretty clever, actually. 

There will be a Golden Demon

It is also confirmed that there will be a Golden Demon event held on Sunday. I have seen nothing about 'Armies on Parade' though. Maybe they'll spin that off into a separate event in the future?

Let's see what GW has to say about the Fest. The following text is taken from the event description on their Webstore. The event description for Saturday is the same as for Sunday - with the exception of the Golden Demon, of course.
What is Warhammer Fest
"Warhammer Fest is a celebration of everything about the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000; the miniatures, the backgrounds, the stories and the games. You will encounter fantastic miniatures displays, seminars by our design teams, in-depth demonstrations and inspiring Design Studio displays.
You will also be able to pick up the latest releases from Games Workshop, Forge World and Black Library, including many items available for the first time over the weekend, along with exclusive event only merchandise. With such a wide range of activities, you can plan your day around specific elements, or just enjoy whatever grabs your attention.
Things to See and Do
Golden Demon - On Sunday 12th October, Warhammer Fest will be hosting the 2014 Golden Demon Miniatures Painting Competition, the calendar highlight for miniatures painters throughout the world. If you want to compete and showcase your painting skills, or be a spectator to this extravaganza of miniatures, then order your Sunday ticket today!
Seminars - We will be hosting a series of seminars featuring a panel of experts from Forge World, Black Library and Games Workshop. Each seminar will focus on a specific topic and we will be repeating certain ones each day, so you can choose to attend them when it best suits your plans.
Design Teams - Black Library, Forge World and the Games Workshop Design Studios will all have areas at Warhammer Fest so you can meet the dedicated teams that bring to life the worlds we all love. This is your chance to chat with them and ask any burning questions about Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, as well as seeing their work up close and personal.
Demo Pods - These dedicated areas are spread throughout the venue and each offers a specific activity such as: painting demonstrations, gaming tactics and a series of presentations covering a range of subjects.
Archives - The miniatures we love today have a rich history behind them, so dig into the Games Workshop Archives with us to see how they’ve developed over the years. We’ll have a variety of displays on show so you can get nostalgic over classic miniatures, art and publications, and debate with your mates about your old favourites.
Things to take Home
Black Library - The brand new Horus Heresy book, Death and Defiance will be on sale at Warhammer Fest for the first time anywhere in the world. This anthology collects together five stories set across the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, and includes brand new fiction from Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Nick Kyme, James Swallow, Andy Smillie and Guy Haley.
There will be a range of pre-release titles, event exclusive art prints and more.
Forge World - Visit the popular Forge World sales area for pre-release items, including a brand new book and new models not on release anywhere else; details will be revealed nearer the event. Over the weekend you can also buy from Forge World’s vast range of models and books as well as event only miniatures, t-shirts, hoodies, bags and mugs.
Citadel - You’ll have access to the Games Workshop range at Warhammer Fest, enabling you to add the latest Citadel miniatures, books and other products to your collections.
Art Prints - Admire a gallery of art prints celebrating the stunning visual work of our design teams, with artwork showing detail beyond what you see in our publications. And if there’s something you really like, you’ll be able to buy exclusive prints of many of the pieces over the weekend.
Exclusive Event Merchandise - Get an exclusive memento of your experience with event only products to use in your games and show off to your friends.
If you want to be part of this extravaganza of all things Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, then get your ticket now as we have strictly limited numbers available for each day.
Full Terms and Conditions are available here."
From the description, it seems to be like Games Day 2013 UK with a couple of extra things such as the 'gaming tactics demo pods'. 

We as the Painting Buddha team won't be going to the Warhammer Fest this year as we are already going to the Scale Model Challenge in Eindhoven

So, what do you think? What do you expect from Warhammer Fest? Where will you be on October 11-12th? Comment below!
Since we won't be going would anyone want to be a 'freelance reporter' for us? ;)


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

World Expo Stresa 2014 - Part 2

World Expo Stresa 2014
Painting Buddha Event Coverage - Part 2 - Links!

Yesterday we posted a massive library of 1001+ pictures from Stresa 2014 World Model Expo. If you have missed it, linky linky clicky clicky ;) 

You neeeveeer snaaap alooooone! :D
With over 4000 entries (some say over 5000 with all the judges display cabinets!) and a crowded exhibition hall full of miniature fans it was simply impossible to take pictures of every miniature entered. Having realized that, I didn't even try. 

But as always, Miniature painters are not alone - and that is why (as per usual) I started collecting some links to online galleries of pictures from Stresa 2014 for you. 

If you would like to add your own library to this list, just put the link in the comments below and I will add them to this list ;) 

"Talullah Belle" by Infamy Miniatures check
out their awesome Kickstarter right now!
Assembly of awesome albums

AFMS Les Ambarres' >blog album
--- 420 (!) pics of all kinds

Anna Shestakova's >FB album
--- 186 perdy pictures

AK-Interactive's >FB album<  
--- 119 high quality pictures,

*new* Benoit Laurent's >report<
--- with 1h37m37s VIDEO!!!!

Conrad Mynett's >FB album<
-- 104 very nice pics

Danis Kelesidis' >FB album

--- 76 selected pictures

*new* Dimitris Stamatakis' >FB album<
--- 53 new pics

Dreamit Miniatures' >FB album
--- 69 great pictures

*new* Platoon Britannica: Fet's post
--- tons of pictures and thread discussion

Klaus Dorn's >Picasa Webalbum
--- 73 misc pictures

Infamy Miniature's "The Toad" by John Keys.
(Coolminiornot for better pics!)
Legio Lariana's >FB album
--- 339 pictures

Pekka Tapani Nieminen's >FB album<
--- massive 423 pictures, with many cool vehicles

*new* Pepe Gallardo's Fantasy >FB album<
--- 83 awesome fantasy miniatures

*new* Pepe Gallardo's Historic >FB album<
--- 140 incredible historic miniatures

*new* Rafa Coll's > Blog <
--- his blog is generally awesome ;) 
--- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

World Model Expo - Stresa's official 
--- >Instagram photos (FB album)<

Round-up of ravaging reports

Sergeant Blackart's >World Expo Report< with many HQ images of awesome entries

And finally, here is the official List of winners (PDF download) - it is worth checking it in case you did not win anything as I know of at least two cases where someone won something without being called up on stage!

If you know of more good albums or would like to add your own album, report or videos to this link collection, just leave it in the comments below and I will add it!

Questions about my camera settings

I got a few questions about my camera settings for the pictures - so if this kind of thing is interesting for you, here the specs:

I love this piece - very impressive!
- Camera EOS 5D Mark III, 
- with EF 100mm Macro lens, 1:2,8
- or sometimes EF 28-105, 1:3,5-4,5 II
- ISO 8000, 
- f=~7-9
- AV 1/40 - 1/100
- Editing, rotating and cropping: Picasa 3

I prefer not to use flash when taking pictures of miniatures as this will often distort the real appearance of a miniature. 

I also usually use a tripod - this time it was all taken from a more-or-less steady hand :D

Alright! That's it for today - we'll have a few more interesting articles about Stresa 2014 World Expo in the next couple of days! 

More soon™ - stay tuned ;) 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Travel Report: World Expo Stresa 2014 - Part 1

World Expo Stresa 2014
Painting Buddha Event Coverage - Part 1 - Pics !

Follow us on Facebook or you might miss the next few parts, including an 'inside' view of Painting Buddha's own 'Judge Ben' and a personal diary from yours truly, Zaphod Beeblebrox, base-coater extraordinaire!  


In the days leading up to the World Expo, we here at Painting Buddha worked very hard to get as many of our Bruddha's orders for their Season 1.2/1.3 DVD sets out as possible. So we worked till 3am, 4am, 5am every day and on the day of travelling to Stresa even until 6am to get the job done! 

'Bundles of Love' almost sold out - it's now or never!
After 68 pre-orders for Season 1.1 we hit exactly 420 pre-orders for Season 1.2 and 1.3 - for us an incredible success and motivation to become even better! 

Thanks to all of you who SHARED & ENJOYED our work with their friends and fellow nerds ;)

"No sleep till Brooklyn Stresa!"

Pics or it didn't happen! 

In Stresa the insomnia should continue and there was no night that we hit the hay before 2-3 am. But who needs sleep anyways when you can have so much fun with friends from all over the world?

So after we returned from Stresa last night, I sat until 3:30am again, editing pictures for you to share & enjoy - a 'black energy drink' called 'Heino' helped me through that. 

One of my personal favorites:
Vietcong Girl by Heroes & Villains
Painted by Pepa Saavedra
Pics almost didn't happen

Like at every event we go to, my goal was to take pictures of every miniature individually. When I entered the crowded exhibition hall on Saturday and heard rumors about 5000 pieces I knew that that was not going to happen :D

So my goal was to take individual pictures of all History and Fantasy categories and highlights from all of the other ones. 

3 1/2 hours and about 800 pictures later I was closing in on the last few miniatures of the History Masters category. 

And this is a true story: The next miniature that I needed to take a picture of was Ben's War Photographer - a bust that Bill Horan seemed to really like a lot. 

War Photographer
Take pictures at own risk!
So what can possibly happen to a photographer after you have successfully taken 800+ pictures already and the next miniature is a war photographer? 

Nothing, right? I mean, seriously, what should happen?

WRONG. CLICK happens. Followed by Murphy. 

CLICK - Card error. Cannot access card 1. 

Why? Because Murphy loves us! :D

Basically, the card was gone and all of the pictures up to that point seemed to be gone too! 

I was not a happy monk, if you know what I mean. Not happy at all. Especially after 3 1/2 hours of work in a hot and humid room, lifting a 2kg camera around 1000 times! :D

When I got home I tested several recovery programs of which only the ridiculously expensive actually worked. BUT after a few hours of recovering 99% of the images, it actually did work- so YEAH, take THAT Murphy! :P 

Pics here - More soon™

Why Miniature Painting? 
Because Friendship! 
World Expo Stresa 2014

As always you are allowed to use, share & enjoy all images anywhere and however you want! When we say Share & Enjoy, we mean Share & Enjoy! 

In the next couple of days we will write a few more 'first person perspective' articles about the show, talking about the good, the bad and the ugly of this extraordinary event! As always, "Soon™" - stay tuned! ;)

In the meantime you would greatly help us if you


Thursday, July 10, 2014

4:42am Shipping Update

A very late night shipping update for all of you: 

As you know from our many updates, we had 420 pre-orders, until now followed by 20 more orders since Monday. 

Since we received the DVDs last Friday evening we have been working hard to get all your orders out: I worked till 3am, 4am, 5am every day since, getting up at 8am again  - packing is fuuuuun :P 

No, seriously I think I might be getting to old for this!  :P

I wanted to get every order out before we head out for Stresa this weekend, and we almost made it. 

Of the now 440 orders, 391 are already shipped/will be shipped in a few hours. 

49 orders will unfortunately have to wait until the beginning of next week as I will not be able to finish them in time for today's pickup for various reasons. 

These are primarily: 

- orders for which we are waiting for your reply for your T-Shirt size (MEGA Deals, 12)
- some single DVD orders (13)
- 'custom orders' (12, many different items, need 'custom' packaging)
- a few orders with a Season 1.1 Budget Box (7)
- other reasons (5, change of address, request to hold until after vacation etc.)

If you have already received an email from us, your order is on it's way. If you have not received an order from us, please be patient until we are back from Stresa on Monday.

Again, my apologies for not getting everything out this week although we really tried hard.  

I hope with this update everyone at least knows what's going on :)


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shipping Update & Thank You!

Thank you!!!

When we released our first DVD Set 'Season 1.1 - Target Identified' we had 68 pre-orders and we were super-happy about it. 

Our Season 1.2/1.3 reached EXACTLY 420 pre-orders. Not only is that pure Painting Buddha style (42x10), but also somewhat incredible and mind-blowing for us. 

Your support helps us to keep going doing what we love - and that is to work for the painting and gaming community and help you 'be a better painter' in the progress. 

Shipping update for all of our supporters

Mysterious post-card included!
Since we received the DVDs on Friday evening, we have been packing, labeling, printing and signing letters, filling out export documentation in triplicates, boxing up your orders and sending you an email once your package was ready! 

We are working 20 hours every day since Friday and we are happy to inform you that, like Elvis, the first 210 pre-orders just left the building. You should see 'movement' on your DHL tracking by tonight. 

We are aiming at sending out the remainder of the orders by tomorrow. With a few exceptions (check your mail-box for a mail regarding your T-Shirt sizes!) most - if not all - of the orders will be sent out this week. The last remaining orders (should there be any) will go out Tuesday next week. 

Once you received your DHL tracking code, don't be surprised if it does not change for a few days. For logistical reasons we are preparing all the labels first and then process the respective orders. 

Our SPECIAL 'Thank You'

Since we had exactly 420 pre-orders we felt like we should do something special to commemorate this hoopy number...

Originally we had planned to raise the price of our "Complete Season 1 - Bundle of Love" - a collection of the season 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 DVDs to 90€ after the early beard phase has ended. 

We decided to keep the Bundle of Love at 84€ until we finally sell out! 

Season 1.1 DVDs are now almost gone - and there won't be any re-prints. So if you want to secure yourself a piece of miniature painting history the Bundle of Love is the way to go!

Stresa & Beeble・Babbles

This weekend, Ben and I will be in Stresa while Mati guards the Painting Buddha HQ. Follow us on Facebook for tons of reports and pictures!

Tonight at 7pm we have a Beeble Babble with James Griffiths from Infamy Miniatures. You don't want to miss it as there will be some world exclusive news on his Kickstarter (which starts tomorrow!)

The last couple of weeks and months have been very emotional for us - again, thank you so much for your support! It is your support that allows us to keep working for our beloved hobby! 

And now back to packing. Ben and Mati already look at me quizzically ;)