Greetings, figuristas!
(Y.A.G. - yet another giveaway at the end of this post!)
Finecast summary
We all remember the big outcry and flood of ridicule Games Workshop had to endure when they released Finecast miniatures. The argument GW used at the time was something along these lines: "White metal has gotten too expensive, therefore we will now release Finecast models". It seemed only natural, following this logic, to increase prices at the same time...
This is what the official GW site has to say about Finecast:
"Our Citadel Finecast models are the latest step in hobby evolution, providing you with incredibly detailed, high-quality resin kits to bolster your army. Painting and modelling Citadel miniatures has never been as rewarding as this. Click on one of the game system logos below to see the full range of Citadel Finecast miniatures."
Looks good on paper, err, the monitor, doesn't it (you could print this page and check whether it also looks good on paper).
I only bought a hand-full of finecast models so far. Two were absolutely perfect, the others were... well, not so good. I went to return them in the store (which GW will gladly do for you, which is awesome) and with the store manager we checked the complete stock on hand for an acceptable model - and after opening 6 packages actually found one. I used to buy up to 20 limited (white metal) GD models when visiting the events (my retirment fund), now I usually only get two.
Finecast - is it good or bad?
I have seen some excellent finecast miniatures. And I have seen stuff that I would be ashamed to sell and angry to have bought.
Basically, results on finecasts were hit-or-miss. You may get lucky and get an awesome cast which is far superior to the whitemetal minis and the next time you get something that only fits a nurgle themed army. Total Wargamer wrote a nice side-by-side comparison of Finecast to White Metal back in 2011. Others, such as the excellent site Chest of Colors reported of less encouraging results.
Many hobbyists came up with helpful tutorials on how to work with Finecast on platforms such as YouTube, Blogs and so on.
For some reason I was under the impression that Games Workshop had resolved their initial Finecast challenges.
Recent developments - Finecast bans
Recently, there are voices again complaining about the quality of Finecast products.
Some of the top commission painters actually banned finecasts from their list of accepted commission models. Well-known commission painter Arsies wrote on his Facebook page, after refusing finecast commissions on his site:
"Some people asked me in past weeks why i'm not accepting finecast works. Please allow me to paste here the last reply I gave to them:
I'm not accepting finecast works because this material is very difficult to work on. My prices are the same for almost all 30mm mianitures, but in finecast I need one extra day just to clean and repair the miniature, it's harder to work on and painting job doesn't reach same quality level as plastic or white metal (I don't know why) so as i don't want to charge an extra 25% for finecast miniatures to give customers a lower quality work - I just don't accept them."
And now, one of the biggest commission painting studios, Fantasygames followed suit with a flat-out-ban of all Finecast commission models:
"Hello, after assembling Hellcanon I decieded today to BAN all commissions with GW FINECAST. I don't want to get anger when I have to prepare minis to paint. I returned to many of them. It cost me a lot of nerves and energy and final effect is always worse than with metal or plastic miniatures. So I don't want to charge more for lower quality miniatures. Please do not ask me about painting FINECAST miniatures. Ctan."
Ctan also shows you why:
Heaven, I don't even know what this is supposed to be. Definitely NOT the result of increased "Quality Control." :D
And yesterday, atacams followed by banning all Finecast comissions.
"Following on from a few other painters. we will no longer be accepting commissions of Finecast. For me, it was because today I have had to tell a customer the 3rd miniature they have sent me will cost the commission again to rectify the atrocious miscasts and bubbles in prep time. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience."
These are just a few examples out of many commission painters and showcase painters that just "don't do finecast no mo'".
GW's return policy works
Return policy -
a strong point with GW |
One thing that works really well, though, is the curteous return policy for Finecast (or any other faulty product for that matter) that GW offers. They will gladly replace your item with a new one. My personal experience as a customer has always been very good - both in the store as well as on the phone with the mail order.
The one thing that I don't get is that this must be frakking expensive for GW. I know of people who had to return their finecast models 5, 6 or even 7 times until they got a decent one. As a business person at heart, this makes me cringe and convulse uncontrollably. This just cannot be cost effective - and image-wise its a nightmare.
Of course, some people pride themselves of abusing the system and claiming faulty products only to receive a 'second' mini for the price of one (you usually don't need to send back stuff you ordered from the mail-order). Again, such waste makes me weep bitter tears of Business 101 classes.
I don't know what the Gamers among you have to say about this, but as a painter I feel that Finecast is just 'not there yet'. Especially when you consider that all these extra krispy kickstarters and indigogos deliver really well cast resin miniatures (that don't even melt in your mouth, not just not in your hand).
My personal opinion on Finecast's future
For some reason I am usually pretty good with my predictions, so here it comes: Finecast will be replaced with an all-plastic range in the (hopefully not so far) future. The individual models sold as plastic are absolutely gorgeously perfect. And cheaper. Noone does them better than Games Workshop. Noone.
I just hope that its sooner than later.
I still buy Finecast and return it if need be until I get a good mini. And every time I do a little bit inside me dies. Its my poor business heart. Why do I feel bad for GW when this happens?
Must be love :D
So what do you think? What are your experiences with Finecast miniatures? Do you still buy them? Don't you? How were they??
I would be interested to get as many comments from Finecast buyers as possible to get a comprehensive 'state of the Galaxy'.
Comment below and you could win a great looking Finecast miniature as a giveaway prize! I promise that I will find one! :D
Have a great weekend, guys (and gals)!