- where we learn to be a better painter!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Final Winners of the Galactic Giveaways

The final winners of our 42 Giveaways ^^

With regards to me having the flu I got a lot of message wishing me well. Thank you so much ;) Let me assure you that the flu is doing really well and its representatives are motivatedly and tirelessly ravaging my tender body. I will head straight back to bed after this post :D

List of all winners: 

Something wrong with the universe...?
If you have won in any of the Giveaways, please send me an email to masterminis <<at>> gmail <<dot>> com with your username and address. I will reply to all of you after all winners have been announced, likely next week! 

All prizes will be sent out the first week of March (there is a LOT to be packed, labled and mailed!). 

All prizes gone, I have not won anything! What is WRONG with the Universe? :( 

Try again: Currently, there are two active giveaways: here and here! You can win one of two copies of the Limited Dark Angels Codex (limited to 2000 worldwide!) Good luck!

I love giving stuff away. Always have - so please look forward to more exciting giveaways in the future! The near future. The VERY near future! :D

#35 Wish you were here

I dedicated my whole company to DNA
I wished he still was here.

Hoopiest of all froods
Not only is Wish you were here by Pink Floyd my favorite song of all times, but it is also the title of my favorite biography of my favorite author written in my favorite language. 

The Official Biography of Douglas Noel Adams (DNA) by Nick Webb is an awesome read - even if you are unfamiliar with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I was moved by the astounding amount of similarities between what Douglas Adams thought and experienced during his life and my own humble existance. 

I will sign the book for you - in the Name of Zaphod Beeblebrox :D

So, Revolutionary #7, Shane aka The Crippled Bristle, you won! Didn't you already win something? I forgot :D Ah, the title, yes... Well, no rules against winning twice, so congratulations!

I am glad the book goes to a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is!

I do need to let you know that another hoopy person was randomly drawn twice, before the prize finally went to Shane... drew my own comment twice. Alas, I am not eligible :D

"Life.... don't talk to me about life... with all the pain in the diodes down my left side"
(Marvin, the paranoid android)

#36,38 Pangalactic Gargleblaster sets Crusade on Fire

This time I asked you to tell us your own receipe for a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster. There was one entry which not quite followed the rules and I found was completely unlikely to win this giveaway.

And in true Hitchhiker's To The Galaxy style, it did.

So BACMS, this is your prize, and here is your receipe: 

"My favourite of them all. You will need:
Cocktail glass
Wine Bottle, preferably old Riesling
Cork Screw
Use the cork screw to open the wine bottle and pour the wine on your glass. You can add a slice of lemon just for decoration purposes"
And then, Der Skuggan snatched the second Crusade of Fire campaign book in the 'shop opening' post from 26 other contenders. 

As you may notice, #37 seems to be missing. It seems, I did lose count on the giveaways twice, even though my 'list of winnings' added up. I guess Giveaway #6b just did not receive a consecutive number - balance of the universe is still working, we are at 37 giveaways :D

#39 - 41 Don't split the party!

Many of us (especially the 'older' generation) has started their miniature involvement with Roleplaying games, such as "Das Schwarze Auge", D&D or AD&D.

Not splitting the party is always a good idea, but I went ahead and split the prizes regardless...

The 4th edition D&D Dungeon Master Rulebook goes to Lisius whereas the person he should be dungeon-mastering goes by the name of Nehr.

And finally, the RED BOX starter kit - the really cheap looking dice of which I will replace with an awesome set of - color-style miniature dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20!) goes toooooo....

(drumroll for last winner)

Krawatte! You sir, are a WINNER!

Again, CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!

And let me say a big "THANK YOU" from the bottom of my heart to all of you who follow us and have entered into some of the giveaways. Even if you have not won anything, I hope you had a good time!

I would love to hear from EVERYONE who reads this in the comments - did you enjoy the giveaways?

42 giveaways are over - crazy times

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Giving away 42 awesome, often times rare and limited prizes to you, the community has been an absolute blast for me. As I said earlier, I love giving stuff away - it seems to make people happy. 

The giveaways were crazy - in retrospect, some of them went way over the top even for my taste :D But hey... We all got through them together - and I think in the end they were entertaining as a whole. 

I again want to apologize again for the server outage in January which made us move back the drawing of the winners to January 31st. 

42nd giveaway - the GIVEAWHAT?

As the followers of this blog now, the giveaway #42 - labled the GIVEAWHAT - is me 'dedicating' my company to you. My goal is to grow and support the miniature gaming and painting community with what we do. 

All of the profits of the company will be distributed according to this: 

- 0% will go to me
- 42% will go to my employees as profit share and to reinvestment into the company

- 42% will be soley re-invested in community functionality, services, events, sponsoring, YOU
- 16% will go to charity (50% of which will go to, the Bob Marley foundation)

The road ahead

We are working very hard on finalizing our first product. I want to extend our deepest gratitude to the many, many, MANY of you who have already pre-ordered the box (even not knowing 100% what will be in it). 

Starting next week you will here more about
  • the final, bigger and better supporter box with even more content (at unchanged price!)
  • details about availability
  • tentative shipping schedule
  • some exclusive and top-secret sneak peaks 
  • more about what happens at - the place where we learn to be a better painter!
  • upcoming events
In the first week of March I have a lot of great, new information for all of you, but I won't tell more or else I could relapse into teaser mode :D

Final words

Don't catch the flu. Totally not worth it and highly overrated! :D

The REVOLUTION is just starting - Have a great weekend!



  1. Mailing and labeling a title is a skill on you can master. :)

  2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle :)

    Ich bin irgendwann geistig ausgestiegen als man sich per Email bei der Revolution anschließen konnte oder durfte um Neues zu erfahren. Bis heute kam keine Antwort-Email, ich hatte wohl die Zahl 42 nicht in meiner Mail und somit wurde sie automatisch gelöscht. xD

  3. What I actually won something? Lol had to be the one not dependent on luck. I will email you later

  4. Best of luck going forward, Mr. President. I can't wait to see what you have planned for the future! And once again congratulations to all the winners!

  5. Thanks for the biography I look forward to reading it. And best of luck for the future :D

  6. I think the whole idea how your company spend it´s profits is great.
    But the best idea is to spend 16% to 1LOVE.
    We ( this means me and the company i´m working) is spending every year for a school-projekt in Kenia. Even you´re the chairman of a miniture company and (though I think) you will not raise a million of dollar it´s important to help people everywhere in the world, to get a peacefull world.

    Thank you for your ideas.
