A google search for "Zaphod Beeblebrox" did not just make my day...
..., or even my year...
..., or even my year...
It made my life!
A: Google says: 42!

After catching up with 600+ of your blog posts (and responding to many of them) until 3am in the morning it is finally time to extend our best season wishes to you and your families!
Thank you for all your support this year! Every view, every comment, every message motivates us to turn on our Infinite Improbability Drive and make crazy stuff happen for you guys!
Santa's Present to you: YOUR LANGUAGE on our DVDs.
See end of this post for details!
Hoopy Holidays and and an excellent 2013 to all of you -
2013 will be the Year of the Miniature!
Even Santa hitchhikes through our Universe!
Ever wondered how Santa could deliver all the presents to everyone in the world? Sleigh? Rudolph? No, thats inaccurate... First, his name is MARVIN, not Rudolph. And we decided to PIMP SANTA'S RIDE. Infinite Improbability Drive let's him deliver to all of us simultanously... Ms Santa loves the ride, too...
And what does Santa do with all that saved time?
If you have no clue what I am talking about, watch our mission entry from yesterday. And STAY TUNED. The REVOLUTION is far from over... You don't even know 21 yet (and even that's only half the truth!)
Hoopy Holidays!
Michael Bartels
aka Zaphod Beeblebrox I.,
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Support us :) paintingbuddha.com |
BTW: Did you know that we are working hard to support many if not most of the following languages in our DVD set? We kid you not:
Merry Christmas in all(?) languages of the world:
Geseende Kerfees! Gëzuar Krishlindjet! Gozhqq Keshmish! I'D Miilad Said! Nabidà! Shenoraavor Nor Dari! Bones Navidaes! Mbung Mbung Krismie! Shuvo Baro Din! Mi wisim yufala eerywan one gutfala Krismas! Nedeleg laouen! Vasel Koleda! Bogem h n mh m! Danistayohihv! Hoesenestotse! Glædelig Jul! Fröhliche Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! Jutdlime pivdluarit! Gajan Kristnaskon! Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi! Gledhilig jól Hyvää Joulua! Zalig Kerstfeest! Joyeux Noël! Bon Nadâl! Noflike Krystdagen! Gilotsavt Krist'es Shobas! Kala Christougenna! Barka da Kirsimatikuma! Mele Kalikimaka! Mo'adim Lesimkha! Okresmesa ombwa! Shubh Naya Baras! Vrolijk Kerstfeest! Selamat Hari Natal! Nollaig Shona Dhuit! Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson homungradon nagwutut! Buon Natale! メッリクリスマス! Sugeng Natal! Gute Vaynakhtn! Seng Dan Fai Lok! Bon nadal! Noeli Nziza! Isangle Krismen! Bon Natale! Appi Krismes! Sretan Bozic! Seva piroz sahibe! Bon Nadel! Wanikiya tonpi wowiyuskin! Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus! Linksmu Kaledu! Amazalibwa Agesanyu! Schéi Krëschtdeeg! Selamat Hari Natal! Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb! Salama' Natal! Kung His Hsin Nien! Nollick ghennal! Kia orana e kia manuia rava! Streken Bozhik! Festusu Natale! Esimano olyaKalunga gwokombandambanda! Krist Yesu Ko Shuva Janma Utsav Ko Upalaxhma Hardik Shuva! God Jul! Ungil Kurismas! Wesolych Swiat! Boas Festas! Sumaj kausay kachun Navidad ch'sisipi ! Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi! Bella Festas daz Nadal! Bachtalo krecunu Thaj! Craciun fericit! Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva! Buorit Juovllat! Bonu nadale! Nollaig chridheil! I'Taamomohkatoyiiksistsikomi! God Jul! Schöni Wienacht oder E guëti Wiënachtä! Sretam Bozic! Bon Natali! Vesele Vianoce! Vesele bozicne praznike! Feliz Navidad! Krismas Njema Na Heri! Maligayang Pasko! Ia ora i te Noera! Suksan Wan Christmas! Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce! Veseloho Vam Rizdva! Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket! Chuc Mung Giang Sinh! Nadolig LLawen! Winshuyu sa Svyatkami! Quyanalghii Kuusma! Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle!
Source with all language names: Bablemaster
Comment below, if I have not BOLDED your primary language! I will put it in BOLD AND we will try to get YOUR language as a subtitle on all future DVDs - for FREE! If its already bolded, leave a Christmas message to all of us in YOUR language! Every comment has a chance to win GIVEAWAY #40! (Which remains a secret right now ^^)
Good presents make better Futures!
As always: SHARE & ENJOY.
ReplyDeleteYour sharing of our mission is the fuel we need to run our INFINITE IMPOSSIBILITY DRIVE. And unlike other fuels, this one will always be FREE!.
A different kind of fun(d)raiser.
Merry Christmas zaphod and everyone at PaintingBuddha.com and may the new year bring plenty of business for you to reap :D
ReplyDeleteI just had an AWESOME idea for charity... It has to do with my next post (December 26th 0:42 CET). And you won't understand a single word :D
DeleteFeliz Navidad a todos, compañeros de revolución! Mis mejores deseos para estas fiestas y espero que el 2013 sea el mejor año de nuestras vidas!! Y viva Painting Buddha!!!!
ReplyDeleteFeliz Navidad, Rafael 'Che' Marin! :D
DeleteI wünsch Eich a scheens Festl und a boah stade Doog!
ReplyDeleteNaja....Die schöne Sprache aus dem Königreich Bayern wird es wphl nicht auf die DVD schaffen,
Ich wünshce Euch frohe Weihnachten und ein paar ruhige Tage! :)
Wenn Du und andere Bayern es schaffen, mir das auf Bayerisch zu übersetzen, WERDE ICH den Subtitle hinzufügen. DAS wär mal was :D
DeleteWe are equal opportunity employers - we even hire Bavarians! :D (I used to say that in Interviews when I was at ALDI :D)
Mein Präsident.... ich wünsche dir auch ein schöne und erholsamen Weichnacht. Hab viel Spaß mit deine Familien. Deine Idee mit den Shop finden ich super... das wird gleich auf mein blog geteilt. Du wann geht das Support Aktion los?
ReplyDeleteHey! Das war jetzt aber nicht Italienisch :D
DeleteIn den nächsten Tagen und Wochen geht's weiter... Ich hab ne Menge verrückte Ideen ;)
Ich würde es versuchen, das Ganze auf boarisch zu übersetzen,
Deleteaber versprechen kann ich nichts! ;)
Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben frohe Weihnachten und viel Erfolg mit Deinem Shop :)
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to one and all!
ReplyDeletea scheene Weihnocht und an guaden Rutsch
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