"The universe is brain-shaped."
masterminis.net - where we learn to be a better painter!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Black Library: Time limited Horus Heresy White Scars book
Greetings, bookworms!
Now this info here does not really have anything to do with painting miniatures - at least not directly. The Black Library is both trying to optimize their printing process as well as tackle the problem that many people where not able to buy limited books at all as they sold out very, very quickly.
With the "Brotherhood of the storm" - a white scars novella, Black Library is not limiting the amount of books printed. It is limiting the time that you can order the book. A very clever move in my opinion.
Now this info here does not really have anything to do with painting miniatures - at least not directly. The Black Library is both trying to optimize their printing process as well as tackle the problem that many people where not able to buy limited books at all as they sold out very, very quickly.
With the "Brotherhood of the storm" - a white scars novella, Black Library is not limiting the amount of books printed. It is limiting the time that you can order the book. A very clever move in my opinion.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Euromilitaire 2012 Coverage
Since the Euromilitaire 2012 and the Games Day 2012 fell on the same day, I had to make a tough call and finally ended up going to the Games Day. Next year it is going to be Folkstone for sure ;)
I would like to point you to one of my subscriber's blog: Rafa Coll's Blog where he has an extensive library of posts and pictures from this awesome event. Make sure you look at previous posts, too - right now there are 10 posts concerning the Euromilitaire with many awesome pictures of even more awesome miniatures.
Thanks Rafa for your posts! Love 'em ;)
P.S.: If you have pictures/blog entries/vids from the Euromilitaire 2012 and would like to share them, please leave a comment with the below - I will then "advertize" them here, too ;)
Update: *new* Marta's Blog
Update: *new* Marta's Blog
Da die Euromilitaire 2012 und der Games Day UK 2012 dieses Jahr auf den gleichen Tag fielen, musste ich eine harte Entscheidung treffen, die mich letztlich zum GD UK geführt hat. Nächstes Jahr ist aber mit Sicherheit Folkstone dran ;)
Ich würde euch gerne mal auf ein Blog eines Subscribers aufmerksam machen: Rafa Coll's Blog hat eine große Anzahl von Posts und Bildern von der Euromilitaire. Guckt euch auch seine älteren Posts an - im Moment sind 10 posts von der Euromilitaire zu sehen, mit schicken Bildern von noch schickeren Miniaturen.
Vielen Dank an Rafa für seine Posts! Großartig! ;)
P.S.: Wenn ihr auch Bilder/Blogeinträge/Videos von der Euromilitaire 2012 habt und diese teilen wollte, schreibt bitte einen Kommentar mit dem Link - Ich werde diese dann auch hier "bewerben" ;)
200th subscriber giveaway - winner
Greetings my colorful friends!
The last couple of days have been quite a crazy and exciting ride...
Since the Games Day UK 2012 report the blog basically exploded. We got almost 10000 views in the last week alone - that is as unbelieveable as it is incredibly motivating for a young blog like this.
So thank you all for your support! It motivates us to do bigger and better things yet ;)
Yesterday, we surpassed the 200 subscriber mark. As a matter of fact, we are at 253 (!) right now. Mindblowing!
I promised, that there would be a giveaway for the 200th subscriber - and there was. Among all of the 253 of you I randomly (using random.org) determined the winner of this contest, the chances being 1 in 253 ;)
So without further ado: the winner is....
The last couple of days have been quite a crazy and exciting ride...
Since the Games Day UK 2012 report the blog basically exploded. We got almost 10000 views in the last week alone - that is as unbelieveable as it is incredibly motivating for a young blog like this.
So thank you all for your support! It motivates us to do bigger and better things yet ;)
Yesterday, we surpassed the 200 subscriber mark. As a matter of fact, we are at 253 (!) right now. Mindblowing!
I promised, that there would be a giveaway for the 200th subscriber - and there was. Among all of the 253 of you I randomly (using random.org) determined the winner of this contest, the chances being 1 in 253 ;)
So without further ado: the winner is....
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
“Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom.”
(Terry Pratchett)
200th subscriber miniature giveaway! Today?
Greetings, Brushlickers!
WOW! When I started the Forge World Angron Giveaway yesterday (you can still register till October 7th for your chance to win!) I did not really think about the fact that this campaign might bring the subscriber count to over 200.
But it will. And you will have to act FAST.
I promised that I would give away a 200 subscriber miniature when that happens - and of course I will hold true to that! Everyone that has registered on the day on which we break the 200 subscriber barrier or before has a chance to win this miniature.
But it will. And you will have to act FAST.
I promised that I would give away a 200 subscriber miniature when that happens - and of course I will hold true to that! Everyone that has registered on the day on which we break the 200 subscriber barrier or before has a chance to win this miniature.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Win a signed copy of Forge World's Angron! (english)
Hello everybody!
If you are already a subscriber to this blog, and want to find out how to win your copy of Angron, you have come to the right place. Happy reading ;)
If you are NOT a subscriber YET or you were just referred to this page: Don't Panic! You can win, too!!!! See the rules below!
Good luck everybody!
OH, and.... Carefull! Wall of Text incoming :D Especially good luck to anyone with ADS :D
Monday, September 24, 2012
Recommended read: (T)Raumschmiede's Blog
Friend Connect Blog: (T)Raumschmiede 2.0
Greetings my most excellent surfers of the Internet!
My friend Martin has started an awesome article on how to speed-paint a terrific looking squad of imperial tanks on his blog. It is really well done and easy to follow. Part 1 went up today, the rest will follow shortly. And in the end you even have the change to win a tank (or three) on ebay.
I really recommend that you check out this article and his blog. He usually has some really high quality content up there!
- English article (Part 1)
- Part 2
Grüße, meine exzellenten Internet Surfer!
Mein Freund Martin hat eine unglaublich gute Artikel-Serie über das Speed-Painting einer wahnsinnig gut aussehenden Einheit von Imperialen Panzern auf seinem Blog gestartet. Der Artikel ist gut geschrieben und leicht zu folgen. Teil 1 hat er heute veröffentlicht, der Rest kommt bald. Und am Ende könnt ihr sogar einen (oder alle drei) Panzer auf ebay ersteigern!
Ich kann sein Blog nur empfehlen - seht euch den Artikel mal an. Er schreibt in der Regel sehr hochwertige Artikel.
- Deutscher Artikel
- Part 2
Greetings my most excellent surfers of the Internet!
My friend Martin has started an awesome article on how to speed-paint a terrific looking squad of imperial tanks on his blog. It is really well done and easy to follow. Part 1 went up today, the rest will follow shortly. And in the end you even have the change to win a tank (or three) on ebay.
I really recommend that you check out this article and his blog. He usually has some really high quality content up there!
- English article (Part 1)
- Part 2
![]() |
Example of two of the many detailed step-by-step illustrations on (T)Raumschmiede's blog |
Mein Freund Martin hat eine unglaublich gute Artikel-Serie über das Speed-Painting einer wahnsinnig gut aussehenden Einheit von Imperialen Panzern auf seinem Blog gestartet. Der Artikel ist gut geschrieben und leicht zu folgen. Teil 1 hat er heute veröffentlicht, der Rest kommt bald. Und am Ende könnt ihr sogar einen (oder alle drei) Panzer auf ebay ersteigern!
Ich kann sein Blog nur empfehlen - seht euch den Artikel mal an. Er schreibt in der Regel sehr hochwertige Artikel.
- Deutscher Artikel
- Part 2
Games Day 2012 UK - Official GW Post
Games Workshop has not yet managed to post the results of the German Games Day but a day after the big show in Birmingham they have the results up.
Here is the link to the official Games Workshop report. (English/German).
Here is the link to the official Games Workshop report. (English/German).
Games Workshop hat es noch nicht geschafft, die Ergebnisse vom Deutschen Games Day 2012 zu veröffentlichen, aber hier gibts schon mal die Ergebnisse vom gestrigen Event in Birmingham.
Games Day 2012 UK - Part 2: Misc and Fun pictures
- Part 2 -
Wow! Almost 1000 views in a few hours today just on my Games Day 2012 UK coverage. Thank you so much for stopping by! It is not only fun, but also a lot of work to travel to and report from all these events. Every view, every comment, every Share of my blog makes me very happy :)
I added another rather large collection of miscellaneous event pictures to my picasa webalbum. Please make sure to read the subtitles, I think some of them are quite funny. ;)
Rooooooar! You are doing it wrong...
Please make sure to follow the blog - later today I will announce the rules for the giveaway of a signed copy of this little sucker here: Angry Angron!
Plus, there is yet much more to come from GD UK 2012.
Please share this blog with your friends, if you like it :)
Wow! Über 1000 views in nur wenigen Stunden - und dass nur für die Bilder vom Golden Demon. Vielen Dank, dass ihr hier vorbeischaut. Es ist nicht nur viel Spaß, sondern auch viel Arbeit auf all diese Events zu fahren und davon zu berichten - jeder view, jeder comment und jedes Share machen mich sehr glücklich :)
Ich habe eine ganze Reihe neuer Fotos nach Picasa hochgeladen - dieses Mal Bilder vom Event selber. Lest die Untertitel, einige davon sind ganz lustig, glaube ich ;)
Ihr solltet erwägen, diesem Blog zu folgen, solltet ihr das nicht sowieso schon tun... Ich werde später heute abend die Regeln für den Gewinn einer handsignierten Mini dieses kleinen Purschen online stellen: Angry Angron!
Und es wird noch jede Menge weitere Reviews und Reports vom Games Day UK 2012 geben ;)
Games Day 2012 UK - Link Collection now working
Good morning!
After some coma sleep I got the bad news via Facebook: My picasa weblinks did not work. Those of you who went straight to my picasa account were able to find them - just the links were dead.
But now all is good. I guess, I was just too tired. Sorry!
Please find the working links here.
Guten morgen!
Nach einigem Koma-Schlaf bekam ich auf Facebook die schlechte Nachricht: Die Picasa Weblinks funktionieren nicht. Die von euch, die direkt auf mein Picasa-Account gegangen sind, konnten sie zwar finden, aber die Links waren tot.
Aber jetzt funktioniert alles :) Ich denke, ich war einfach zu müde... Sorry!
After some coma sleep I got the bad news via Facebook: My picasa weblinks did not work. Those of you who went straight to my picasa account were able to find them - just the links were dead.
But now all is good. I guess, I was just too tired. Sorry!
Please find the working links here.
Guten morgen!
Nach einigem Koma-Schlaf bekam ich auf Facebook die schlechte Nachricht: Die Picasa Weblinks funktionieren nicht. Die von euch, die direkt auf mein Picasa-Account gegangen sind, konnten sie zwar finden, aber die Links waren tot.
Aber jetzt funktioniert alles :) Ich denke, ich war einfach zu müde... Sorry!
Games Day 2012 UK - Link Collection
It's late, I just got back from the UK - but I won't leave you with at least all I know about the GD UK...
I will write a more detailed review about everything that happened tomorrow, including the german translation - right now I am just beat :)
So let's get the GD UK 2012 Link Collection started:
masterminis' Award Ceremony video (youtube)
masterminis' Pre-GD-Dinner photos
masterminis' Golden Demon Entries (no finalists)
masterminis' Golden Demon Entries (finalists only)
Other coverage
*new* Runebrush's Pictures
Tartan Paint Studios' Blog
DFB Studio's Blog
Toyznthehood's Blog
Volomir's Blog
Arek23's photobucket
Please share the link to this page, not to the individual albums as the link list will be constantly updated!. Thank you :)
Tartan Paint Studios' Blog
DFB Studio's Blog
Toyznthehood's Blog
Volomir's Blog
Arek23's photobucket
Please consider subscribing - its been a long day :D
And please leave a comment - so I got something to do in the morning :D
And please leave a comment - so I got something to do in the morning :D
Please share the link to this page, not to the individual albums as the link list will be constantly updated!. Thank you :)
Pre-GD-Dinner UK
Greetings all,
Games Day UK 2012 - Pre-GD-Dinner. I was there the day the legend began.
Sue from Platoon Britannica invited painters to a pre-Games Day dinner at the Little Owl close to the NEC exhibition center.
After Google send Maz, Billy and me to where it thought the restaurant was, we had to find a cab to rescue us :D
But the pub then made up for getting lost in the middle of railroads, roads and carparks... The company was lovely, the food was terrific and the beer yummy :)
It was a great evening with great people and great food. Maybe we will see YOU there, too, next year?
Pre-GD-Dinner - Picasa Webalbum
Games Day UK 2012 - Pre-GD-Dinner. Ich war dabei, als die Legende begann.
Sue von Platoon Britannica hat Maler aus der ganzen Welt zum Pre-Games Day-Dinner in der "Little Owl" nahe dem NEC exhibition center eingeladen.
Nachdem Google Maz, Billy und mich dahin geschickt hat, wo seiner Ansicht nach das Restaurant wäre, brauchten wir ein Taxi um uns zu retten.
Als wir dann im Pub ankamen, waren die Strapazen in der Mitte von Eisenbahnen, Straßen und Parkplätzen verloren zu sein, schnell vergessen. Die Gruppe war super-nett, das Essen war großartig und das Bier nomnomnomig. :)
Vielleicht kommst DU nächstes Jahr auch?
Pre-GD-Dinner - Picasa Webalbum
Games Day UK 2012 - Pre-GD-Dinner. I was there the day the legend began.
Sue from Platoon Britannica invited painters to a pre-Games Day dinner at the Little Owl close to the NEC exhibition center.
After Google send Maz, Billy and me to where it thought the restaurant was, we had to find a cab to rescue us :D
But the pub then made up for getting lost in the middle of railroads, roads and carparks... The company was lovely, the food was terrific and the beer yummy :)
It was a great evening with great people and great food. Maybe we will see YOU there, too, next year?
Pre-GD-Dinner - Picasa Webalbum
Games Day UK 2012 - Pre-GD-Dinner. Ich war dabei, als die Legende begann.
Sue von Platoon Britannica hat Maler aus der ganzen Welt zum Pre-Games Day-Dinner in der "Little Owl" nahe dem NEC exhibition center eingeladen.
Nachdem Google Maz, Billy und mich dahin geschickt hat, wo seiner Ansicht nach das Restaurant wäre, brauchten wir ein Taxi um uns zu retten.
Als wir dann im Pub ankamen, waren die Strapazen in der Mitte von Eisenbahnen, Straßen und Parkplätzen verloren zu sein, schnell vergessen. Die Gruppe war super-nett, das Essen war großartig und das Bier nomnomnomig. :)
Vielleicht kommst DU nächstes Jahr auch?
Pre-GD-Dinner - Picasa Webalbum
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Pics & vids tonight!
I will be back home in Germany around 1am...
Then I will upload all videos and pics. So stay tuned.
Subscribe, if you liked my coverage :) or, if you want to win a free Forge world worldeater primarch Angron worth 50GBP... :)
And now my battery is at 5% ...
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
Then I will upload all videos and pics. So stay tuned.
Subscribe, if you liked my coverage :) or, if you want to win a free Forge world worldeater primarch Angron worth 50GBP... :)
And now my battery is at 5% ...
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
Slayer Sword
I will post the slayer sword winners on my facebook page as soon as it is announced!
Check it frequently!
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
Check it frequently!
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
GD on FB
Check my facebook page for pics from GD UK. Will be posting throughout the day :)
So help me technology!
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
So help me technology!
*posted on my iPhone, so no fancy stuff going on here*
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Limited Chaos Codex - 1000 copies worldwide
Tonight at midnight the new 40k Chaos Codex is available for pre-order. Word has it, that there are 1000 limited versions available worldwide. So, when you read this message head off to the GW online store!
This message will automatically be posted at midnight - good luck!
See? Sometimes it is good to be subscribed to a blog! Now you know ;)
Vielleicht einfach auch registrieren?
Please leave a COMMENT, if you got one!
Games Workshop Online Store
Vielleicht einfach auch registrieren?
Please leave a COMMENT, if you got one!
Games Workshop Online Store
Heute Nacht um Mitternacht wird der neue Chaos Codex vorbestellbar sein. Es heißt, dass weltweit 1000 limitierte Versionen verfügbar sein werden. Wenn ihr diese Nachricht lest heißt es also: Auf zum GW Online Store!
Diese Nachricht wird automatisch um Mitternacht gepostet - Viel Glück!
Diese Nachricht wird automatisch um Mitternacht gepostet - Viel Glück!
Seht ihr? Manchmal ist es ganz gut, wenn man bei nem Blog registriert ist ;)
Vielleicht einfach auch registrieren?
Hinterlasst ne Nachricht, wenn ihr auch einen bekommen habt!
Vielleicht einfach auch registrieren?
Hinterlasst ne Nachricht, wenn ihr auch einen bekommen habt!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sweet Mother.... ANGRON!
Forgeworld has just released pics of the first primarch available for the Horus Heresy Line...
Price: 50 GBP a pop.
Paintmasters 2012 - Foto & Miniature Competition
Greetings, beings!
My friend Tuffskull is running the Paintmasters 2012 foto and miniature competition. There are three categories:
- Foto (of anything, really)
- 28mm (single mini)
- open (everything else)
Clean and simple. There will be little trophies for the winners. I am sure that some of you would like to enter the competition. Entries have to be received by October 31st.
Check out the detailed rules on Tuffi's blog.
My friend Tuffskull is running the Paintmasters 2012 foto and miniature competition. There are three categories:
- Foto (of anything, really)
- 28mm (single mini)
- open (everything else)
Clean and simple. There will be little trophies for the winners. I am sure that some of you would like to enter the competition. Entries have to be received by October 31st.
Check out the detailed rules on Tuffi's blog.
Mein Kumpel Tuffskull trägt den Paintmasters 2012 Foto- und Miniaturen-Wettbewerb aus. Es gibt drei Kategorien:
- Foto (egal von was)
- 28mm (Single Mini)
- Open (alles andere)
Ganz einfach. Es wird kleine Trophäen für die Gewinner geben. Ich bin mir sicher, der eine oder andere wird am Wettbewerb teilnehmen wollen. Einsendeschluss ist der 31. Oktober.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
GD UK 2012 PREVIEW - Stay tuned!
Only three more days until Games Day 2012! I am going and - I can't wait!
As with the German GD this year, I will be reporting from the UK event. Unlike the German GD coverage, I have invested heavily in some video and photo equipment.
If things go well (and my eye-fi WLAN memory card arrives here in time) the pictures will be uploaded to the blog as soon as they are taken. Honestly, after reading about all the problems with these cards, I don't expect it to work this smoothly. But then again, NEC Birmingham has free WLAN, so maybe I can fall back on that to give you pictures and videos HOT off the press ;) We shall see.
Expect a LOT of photos of all relevant Golden Demon entries, videos of the Award Ceremony as well as coverage about anything else that is going on there.
So stay tuned to this blog - and if you don't want to miss anything or be the last to know: SUBSCRIBE :) It would make my day! :P
Nur noch drei Tage bis zum Games Day 2012! Ich gehe hin und - ich kann es kaum erwarten!
Wie vom Deutschen Games Day werde ich auch vom UK GD berichten. Anders als beim Deutschen GD habe ich aber diesmal richtig in Video- und Photoausrüstung investiert.
Wenn alles gut läuft (und meine eye-fi WLAN Speicherkarte rechtzeitig ankommt) werden die Bilder aufs Blog hochgeladen, sobald sie geschossen werden. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, glaube ich nach dem Lesen über all die Probleme mit der Karte, dass es nicht so rund laufen wird. Aber anscheinend gibt es im NEC Birmingham kostenloses WLAN, auf das ich ggf. zurückgreifen kann, um euch Bilder und Video frisch aus der Presse zu liefern. Wir werden sehen ;)
Erwartet VIELE Fotos von allen Golden Demon Beiträgen, Videos von der Preisverleihung sowie Berichterstattung über alles andere, was auf dem GD UK so los ist.
Also: dranbleiben am Blog! Wenn ihr nichts verpassen wollt - oder die letzten, die es erfahren: FOLGT dem Blog :) Würde mir den Tag versüßen :P
Music - grab that brush and paint!
I keep coming back to this song for a couple of weeks now. I have it on heavy rotation in my studio - its inspiring, driving, motivating.
I hope you enjoy it as well :) Grab that brush!
Do you have inspirational music that you like to listen to while painting? Post in the comments below!
Do you have inspirational music that you like to listen to while painting? Post in the comments below!
Ich hoffe, euch gefällt er auch. An die Pinsel!
Habt ihr auch Musik, die euch inspiriert während ihr malt? Schreibt es in den Kommentaren!
Habt ihr auch Musik, die euch inspiriert während ihr malt? Schreibt es in den Kommentaren!
GD UK 2012 PREVIEW - Heresy is the new Sexy
Greetings my most excellent painters!
I will report from the Games Day UK with photos and videos on this blog! Yay!
Ich werde in diesem Blog vom Games Day UK mit Fotos und Videos berichten. Yay!]
Games Day UK is only four days away and the announcements keep coming in. The signs were pretty clear: The Horus Heresy is on the horizon for Forgeworld. And I think it is going to be a maaaaajor cash cow for them...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Games Workshop: WHITE DWARF reborn?
Greetings, y'all!
Interesting news on the Games Workshop front... Apparently, GW has decided to revitalize their own monthly hobby magazine "White Dwarf" which has become increasingly boring in the last couple of years.
Some claim it to be the "most expensive advertising flyer" in the world and very few people I know actually subscribe or even read the magazine. I subscribed only because I have them all starting from issue #1 and I want to keep the collection complete. You know - it's what men do.
Out of town till monday!
Greetings my most excellent painters!
Starting today, I will be at the "Edersee Painters Meeting XXL" - a painters meeting organized by users of the German form das-bemalforum.de. Around 30 painters from all over Germany will attend this year - we rented a house at a youth hostel resort at picturesque Ederse. The meeting will take place for the 5th time. After missing the last two years due to my stay in Japan I am really looking forward to enjoying a weekend of nerdism.
And endless grillin' and chillin' ;)
If technically possible, I will report "live" from the event - if not, expect a big article full of magic and excitement on Monday ;)
And please light a candle for the new mainboard I bought on ebay - I pray it works. I need my fast PC back :D
Starting today, I will be at the "Edersee Painters Meeting XXL" - a painters meeting organized by users of the German form das-bemalforum.de. Around 30 painters from all over Germany will attend this year - we rented a house at a youth hostel resort at picturesque Ederse. The meeting will take place for the 5th time. After missing the last two years due to my stay in Japan I am really looking forward to enjoying a weekend of nerdism.
And endless grillin' and chillin' ;)
If technically possible, I will report "live" from the event - if not, expect a big article full of magic and excitement on Monday ;)
And please light a candle for the new mainboard I bought on ebay - I pray it works. I need my fast PC back :D
Ab heute werde ich beim "5. Maltreffen am Edersee, XXL Edition" verweilen. Ein Maltreffen, das von Mitgliedern des deutschen Forums das-bemalforum.de veranstaltet wird. 30 Maler aus ganz Deutschland nehmen dieses Jahr wieder teil - wir haben ein ganzes Haus einer Jugendherberge am malerischen Edersee gemietet. Das Treffen findet zum 5. Mal statt. Nachdem ich die letzten zwei Jahre durch meinen Japanaufenthalt nicht dabei war, freue ich mich, dieses mal wieder mitnerden zu können.
Grillin' and Chillin' wird das Motto sein ;)
Wenn technisch möglich, werde ich "live" von dem Event berichten. Wenn nicht, könnt ihr euch auf einen Riesen-Artikel am Montag freuen.
Und bitte zündet eine Kerze für mein auf Ebay gekauftes Mainboard an - Ich hoffe es funktionert: Ich brauche dringend wieder nen schnellen PC ;)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Golden Demon 2012 - Australia (Link Collection)
In a far, far away land where cute little bears hang in trees, a painting competition came and went. The Australian Games Day 2012 is over.
There are not many pictures out yet, but I will update this list as soon as I find new links. So check this post frequently.
Australian GD 2012
- NJFletcher's Award Ceremony Video (youtube)
- *new* Turelio's FB album
- *new* Miranda's FB album
- Mantra's album
- Weisern's album
- Realmoflegends' album
In einem weit, weit entfernten Land, in dem kleine niedliche Bären in Bäumen hängen, kam und ging ein Malwettbewerb. Der Australische Games Day 2012 ist vorbei.
Es gibt noch nicht viele Bilder, aber ich werde diese Liste aktualisieren, sobald ich neue finde. Checkt diesen Post also ab und zu für Neuigkeiten.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
New Forgeworld "Magma Dragon"
GW's communication department is somewhat out of sync with Forgeworld this week.
On the little read "whats new today" from Games Workshop, they announced a new Forge World "miniature" - its more a maxiature - available on the FW website.
Of course, on the FW website there is nothing to be found about this. Maybe its even a mistake, as FW just announced their (sorry) horrible Incarnate Element of Fire - who knows.
So let's see, how long it will take them to be back in sync... Until then - here are the pictures of the new "Magma Dragon":
So let's see, how long it will take them to be back in sync... Until then - here are the pictures of the new "Magma Dragon":
GW's Marketing-Abteilung ist nicht ganz synchron mit der von Forge World.
In dem wenig gelesenen "Was gibts heute neues" von Games Workshop wurde eine neue Forge World Miniatur - eigentlich eher Maxiatur - als bestellbar bei FW angekündigt.
Natürlich ist auf der FW Webseite nichts davon zu finden ;) Vielleicht ist es auch ein Fehler, denn Forgeworld hat nahezu zeitgleich ihr (sorry) fürchterliches incarnate element of fire Schauen wir also, wie lange es dauert, bis die beiden wieder in sync sind... Bis dahin - hier sind die Bilder des neuen "Magma Dragon".
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Intermission - Roberto Chaudon
I know, I know... Second day without content ;) Well, kinda...
Yesterday I tried having my "main" PC fixed - but its officially dead and a new one is in order. Its not nice when an i7 3.2GHz PC walks into the light... And expensive.
On a much brighter note, I acquired some great and rather rare prizes for the next giveaways - more on this subject when the time is right...
We have a very special treat planned for all of you for late November- and I was preparing for that all day today. So the promised Tutorial Tuesday video which was already postponed till Thursday might not come out until tomorrow. ;)
But I have a treat for you here: Roberto Chaudon has released a video on the sculpts he has done in the last years. I am sure you will find some of the miniatures he did are in your possession, too. I myself found 5 miniatures that I own that had been sculpted by him - one even painted! :)
So stay tuned and enjoy the content free break with some free content: ^^
Ich weiß, ich weiß... Zweiter Tag ohne echten neuen Inhalt... Oder so...
Gestern habe ich versucht, meinen Haupt-PC reparieren zu lassen - aber der ist nun offiziell komplett tot und ein neuer muss her. Nicht schön, wenn ein i7 3,2GHz Rechner die Flügel streckt... Und teuer.
Aber dafür habe ich ein paar sehr coole und vor allem seltene Preise für die nächsten Verlosungen organisieren können - dazu gibt's dann mehr, sobald es soweit ist...
Für Ende November habe ich was ganz spezielles für euch geplant - und das musste ich heute den ganzen Tag schon mal einstielen... Das bereits auf Donnerstag verschobene Tutorial Tuesday Video muss daher wohl bis morgen warten ;)
Nichts desto trotz habe ich ein Leckerchen für euch: Roberto Chaudon hat ein Video der Sculpts, die er in den letzten Jahren gemacht hat auf Youtube gestellt. Ihr werdet feststellen, dass die eine oder andere gezeigte Mini in eurem Besitz sein könnte - ich selber habe 5 Miniaturen gefunden, die ich besitze und eine davon ist sogar bemalt! :)
Also bleibt dran und genießt die inhaltsfreie Zeit mit einigen freien Inhalten:
4am - the night is full of color
4am - the night is full of color
4 Uhr morgens - die Nacht ist voll Farbe
Monday, September 3, 2012
And the winner is...
Deutscher Text im Anhang
Good morning - or rather good day ;)
After a good nights rest and a great breakfast I am now prepared to announce the winner of the 100 subscriber giveaway appropriately...
Before I do that, let me thank each and every one of you for subscribing to this blog. We had 104 subscribers by midnight last night. I have great plans for this blog for the months to come and I think that being a subscriber will be well worth your time ;)
Last night, using random.org as a random number generator again, I determined who won the 100 subscriber giveaway. So, without further ado let me introduce the winner to you!
100th subscriber winner determined...
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
That is the good news. The bad news is that it is 2 am in the morning and after two nights with almost no sleep I am to tired to make an appropriately fancy post ;) I can hardly hit the right keys to write this here ;)
I shall disclose the winner's name as soon as I get up again, some time later this morning - so stay tuned! I hope the suspense caused by the intense levels of anticipation is not negatively impacting the flow of your day... :P
Good night - until later!
Meine Damen und Herren, wir haben einen Gewinner!
Das ist die gute Nachricht. Die schlechte ist, dass es jetzt 2 Uhr morgens ist und ich nach zwei Tagen fast ohne Schlaf zu müde bin einen angemessen aufwendigen Post zu machen ;) Ich treffe kaum die richtigen Tasten, um das hier zu tippen ;)
Ich werde den Gewinner bekanntgeben, sobald ich wieder aufwache - irgendwann später heute morgen - also dranbleiben! Ich hoffe, dass die Spannung die durch die intensive Erwartungshaltung hervorgerufen wird, den Fluss eures Tages nicht zu sehr beeinträchtigt :P
Gute Nacht - und bis gleich!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
100 subscriber giveaway tonight!
Checking my blog while being on a short trip until tuesday night, I was excited to find out that today we have reached 100 subscribers!
As described by the rules of the 100 subscriber giveaway posted here, all subscribers by midnight tonight (CET) will be eligible to win! So if you think about joining, now would be a good time ;)
Btw: this is the prize you can win. Not too bad for two mouse-clicks, eh?
Thanks to all of you who support this blog by subscribing - you rock!
Good luck at tonights drawing!
Ich bin bis Dienstag nacht auf einer kleinen Reise und habe beim checken meines Blogs mit Freude festgestellt, dass wir die 100 Subscriber Grenze heute geknackt haben!
Wie in den Regeln der 100 Subscriber Verlosung festgelegt ist, werden alle Subscriber bis Mitternacht heute Nacht (CET) an der Verlosung teilnehmen. Wenn ihr also schon mal daran gedacht habt, Subscriber zu werden, JETZT wäre ein guter Zeitpunkt ;)
Das hier ist übrigens der Preis, den man gewinnen kann. Nicht schlecht für zwei Mausklicks, oder?
Vielen Dank an alle, die diesen Blog durch ihre Subscription unterstützten - ihr seid großartig!
Viel Glück bei der Verlosung heute Nacht!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Painter's Horoscope - September 2012
![]() Your color is blue. You will be, too, as you realize your insight comes too late for a big event. |
![]() The ruler of your sign, Venus, will overflow with passion in Leo, the Sun will burn in your house of sensuality, and Mars will "play with fire" in your house of couples! In Short: You are on fire, dude! Your color is soooooo red. End of September there is a chance to go down in a blaze of glory. |
Venus in Leo makes September 2012 your favorite: You feel strongly connected to communication, trips and information. You should visit at least one miniature event or workshop this month - great things will come from it. Maybe even l.o.v.e.? Your color is yellow. |
September will bring unexpected income for you! You'll do as well when it comes to intellectual, commercial or creative-artistic matters. Ebay calls you. However, all will come with a taste of disappointment - is there more to painting than this? Your color is dark green. |
On September 6th 2012, Venus will step into Leo. It'll be by your side until October 3rd, in which period it'll spoil you with its precious gifts. You will fall in love with something new. But you must search the new first! You will do very well in group events this month. Your color is Shiny Silver. |
Because the Sun and Mercury (which is the ruler of Virgo) are in your sign, your personality and physical advantages will be highly marked. Your appetite for fame will be satisfied. You must finish a competition miniature this month and victory will sure be yours. Your colors are purple with golden stars. |
Both Venus and Mars will be in stable positions that don't foreshadow too many changes for you. If you are a great painter, thats cool. If not, it sucks. But longlasting success will come from international corporations and trips abroad. Your colors are dried up. Buy new ones. | Mars in Scorpio will motivate and energize you. In September 2012 you'll focus on your profession, have clear objectives, energy, ambition and initiative. If you pull things together, a big event at the end of September or the beginning of October will turn out fantastic. Your colors are blue and orange. |
You'll be very enthusiastic, but not in a top shape as far as painting is concerned. Take a step back and take a deep long breath before you ruin your work with over-eagerness. Beware of sharp modelling knives. Beware of tweezers. Beware of pointy things in general. Beware of.... ah, just be careful, get it? Your colors are white and red-orange. | ![]() September 2012 will finally be the last month that Saturn will spend in Libra, meaning the last month of hard work, obstacles and constraints in painting. Jupiter already has some big plans for you. At the end of September, pick up your brush. And dont stop painting until your fingers bleed! Your colors are waiting for you. |
You'll be the most fortunate painter of the zodiac in September 2012! You feel the need to test your skill in a competition - maybe even a one-on-one battle of the brushes! Everything you do will turn out fantastic. You can choose any color you want, you lucky bastard! The stars said so! |
Things stay the way they are - and you are happy with it. Challenging yourself might get you out of your comfort zone. Try something you have never tried before. A freehand. Oils. Crazy bases. Your colors are grey. All of them. You should REALLY challenge yourself. |