The miniature hobby is widely regarded as a hobby about the collecting, painting and playing with miniatures. To me the most important factor was always to hang out with other nerds and have fun together. And that is what we are currently doing in an event that takes 10 days (give or take a few): The Nerdcamp. - where we learn to be a better painter!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Nerdcamp 1.0 - GAU
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Back in Nerdvana
Wow - it has been long... Too long. As you know I have moved to a new place in Berlin - and apparently the 2nd law of IT projects applies to moving as well: "Everything takes longer than you think". But now with a bed, some wallpaper, a telephone and FINALLY a reliable and fast Internet connection, I am back in business!
Wow - lang ist's her... zu lange. Wie ihr wisst, bin ich nach Berlin gezogen. Und wie es aussieht gilt das 2. Gesetz der IT Projekte auch für Umzüge: "Alles dauert länger als man denkt". Aber mit einem Bett, ein paar Tapeten, einem Telefon und ENDLICH einer stabilen und schnellen Internet-Verbindung bin ich zurück!
My studio in front of the German "home depot" - Bauhaus